xeleion is No Zaku, Boy!

I will wait to test my DNA until there is a company that tests, sends me the results and then deletes all information from their databases. Why would anyone pay to have their DNA used for profit and given to the government?

I’ve been waiting for the Schreier breakdown of how this fell apart far more than the game itself.

Let me go for a ride in a stanced VW.

Wish I knew.  Been here for years, been grey for years.

Correct take here:

Welcome to the grey club. I’m almost always grey. :)

any Pac-Man cabinet that has seen serious use will always have telltale wear on the left side, from years and years of hands.

The Hump is not, as the board found that no two people will do it the same, despite Humpty’s assertion that this was his dance y’all, and Humpty Hump’s his name.

You uhhh, don’t really understand how all networking works, do ya? Sony *absolutely* can shut that down, quickly, and end business ties with that developer/publisher.

Now playing

No, let this tired complaint die already. Don’t like it? Don’t watch, don’t complain, and don’t rain on other people’s parades.

I was kind of in a similar situation. I knew my future wife for over two years before we ever dated and actively disliked her. Then I got into some minor trouble and my First Shirt punished me by putting me in the command center with her for 12 hours. I came out of that day with a totally different impression of her.

Jason, I’m so glad I’ve finally found someone else who turns off battle animations. My friends scold me for shutting them off in Fire Emblem and Pokemon, but it save so much time!

Why isn’t there a silent scope VR game? Honestly why?

It may seem like bullshit but being in nature even just someone’s woodsy neighborhood can do wonders. I love hiking on wooded trails and being in nature when my depression is winning.

If only there was some sort of place where you could publicly criticize games like maybe a website where people can post their opinions or something. Seriously, it’s inane to act like Steam reviews are the only place people can post their opinions. I guess Blizzard’s launcher not having reviews means no one can ever vo

oh god @ these people in the comments section performing olympic-level mental gymnastics to defend their borderline pedophilia

Some of you guys really need to grow a sense of humor.

I miss the smell of manuals. You know that chemical-y, bleached smell of glossy paper? I associate it with the excitement of having a new game to play. I really miss that.

Man, I’m going to spend all weekend swapping out 3.5" floppies.