
@Harpsichord: In the simplest terms, these country's want access to the BB's BES and BIS servers by their security services, just like it is in the EU and America. These are encrypted servers run exclusively by BB, but they follow the security laws in the EU and USA, but not these other countries. These country's

@bcurran: @SKiTz: Yes, you guy's are right. I stand corrected.

@Harpsichord: Due process, what are you talking about? I tried to enlighten you, but you don't seem to get it. Please use Google and read from people much smarter than me before making ludicrous comments.

@Harpsichord: He's not standing up for the internet. What the hell does BB running a proprietary back-end have to do with the internet? Lazaridis mentioning the internet is just a smoke screen, don't fall for it.

@Plsk1n: Read the facts. All the Saudi's want is the same setup as EU and America. It's not like they are asking BB to do anything more than they are already doing in the west.

What a moron this over tanned douche is (Lazaridis). Does he not realize he's in no position to strong arm a country? By the way, they read English in those country's, I doubt they appreciate the comments.

@nootron: I call BS. I saw the one on the top in a Pepsi commercial with a squirrel.

@Nitesh Singh: The EVO 4G, Droid X, and the Droid incredible all run 1GHz processors, all are CDMA devices. There may be more devices, but that's all that comes to mind. Anything on Sprint or Verizon is a CDMA device.

@Denver: I have a BB and hate the living guts out of it. I also have iPhones and Android devices (Yes, I'm a nerd like the rest) and they just plain blow the doors off of the BB.

@CaffineFreakUs: I hope you're being sarcastic. By all counts RIM is getting it's ass kicked and taking a slow dive. The UAE deal will just mean that less people will use BB's. UAE is a major business hub for the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Europe. If all those businessmen can't use BB's there I'm guessing a

@Channan: Wise man say: "even if you put turd in shiny bag it still smell like crap"

@IceMetalPunk: Already done on jailbroken iphones. I really don't see why someone wouldn't just jailbreak and have all the missing features they want. It's so simple now and fully reversible.

.....really, that's it? The OS looks antiquated already. RIM really needs an injection of fresh new ideas, just like MS did with the win 7 phone. Haven't used either obviously, but win 7 phone seems like something fresh and new, unlike this new BB os.

Now all I need is something to hide my real phone in.

@dufus: It's very cool. Trends always come around, you're just way ahead of your time.

@technologic: I think this is more win 7 phone than windows 7 os, hence the "metro" look.

That's staggering.

I wonder what their CEO wears?