I wouldn’t want to come face to face with any pre-historic animal. They were pretty much dangerous, all of them. Even the plant eaters, when spooked.
I wouldn’t want to come face to face with any pre-historic animal. They were pretty much dangerous, all of them. Even the plant eaters, when spooked.
Jump scares are cheap tricks, for new directors who know nothing on how to make the skin crawl of the audience. They should do some research into old movies.
Lies. I am too tall unfortunately.
I just wish people would finally come to accept that we live in a world of diversity. We are like 7.4 billion people living here atm. Life evolves like crazy, all over the place, so if someone is gay or a different color, big deal.
I want them to shut down the game, so they can make a star wars mmo set either in the original trilogy or the new. The only good thing about 4k bby is Revans story, as in his KotOR 1 story. TOR messed up Revan for me.