
Ahh, I love Boston in the fall! The leaves. The crisp breeze. The scent of wood-burning stoves in the air. And of course, the IT and finance-department perverts with their cameras. So charming!

I think he has valid points, but I - like most people, I suspect - aren’t really willing to watch a lot of the content on YouTube (or the Web for that matter) if it comes with advertising or a price tag.

You totally had me up until the point where you said that getting shitfaced and being miserable for nine hours every Sunday has nothing to do with family. That’s where you lost me.

This is ridiculous! I always look at my wife’s face during sex, whether she’s into it or not (as long as there’s a picture of her nearby).

I feel for ya, and agree with nearly every sentiment in this piece, but...

MarSim City

I think you’re confusing brand loyalty with fanaticism. You can have the former without the latter (but I don’t think you can have the latter without the former).

Pretty sure if this was posted verbatim on fox.com or written by a known conservative we’d be all up in arms about it. Nevertheless, I love the idea that people are equal but different and all beautiful. This piece is brilliant - I couldn’t take my eyes off it until the end. But I’m way too frightened to ask my black

Honest Headline: Matt Damon, a Wealthy, Middle-aged White Guy Who Can’t Possibly Have Anything Valuable to Say on the Subject of Diversity, Interrupts Successful Black Woman Filmmaker Who Has to Be an Expert Because She’s a Successful Black Woman Filmmaker, to Explain Diversity to Her

You had me at “choad.”

I think a more perfect solution would have been to make world exploration fun.

This post’s headline is misleading. The child’s future isn’t dead. It’s an uneducated, violent, hateful future that involves just barely scraping by, substance abuse, jail time and violence. As futures go, it’s pretty horrible, but it’s not dead.

“Save Money. Live Better.

Nice piece. I have an 8-year-old and hope I remember it.
Though the phrase “asking my boyfriend for a vasectomy” confused me a tad.

“hit this link” - nice choice of words, there.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. People – especially celebrities, those who are well-to-do, and government employees – don’t have to worry about being spied on by the US government. They should worry about people with cell phones and simple security cameras which are everywhere.

THIS is why rich, white frat-boys use words that get them into trouble!

"There is literally no drawback to doing this."

Now playing

Here's an awesome short from the eighties - "Skywales"

"They hit up YouTube and watch videos of other people playing it." Oh thank gawd. I thought my kid was the only one.