
Finally finished and not sure what to think. I really loved a lot of the little moments throughout the season but overall, didn't feel like this season was the best. Around episode 5 I was ready for this riot to be over. It was a nice idea but ultimately, I don't think it worked. I think they could have done half the


Rushed for sure but I think it also showed just how desperate Lena is for parental support/comfort. I do hope we get to see her biological mom next season. Hopefully she's not evil too.

It's like the writers suddenly realized, "oh yeah, James is a character that needs screen time too!" This is what happens when you focus most of your season on Mon-El and try to shoehorn in centric eps for the other regulars. Last week it was Maggie, so I guess it's James' turn. Good on him for getting an ep, just

I don't like Mon-El and think he is the weakest character. However, I wouldn't be bothered if he returned as long as they stop making him the focus of 80% of the episodes. Or if he comes back for a handful of eps.

Let's try this again.

Haha. I noticed that raspy voice too.

You're right on those. I guess I should say that it's her "Main" storyline this season instead on "only". Or it just really feels like that.

Let me start with the stuff I liked:

I've been asking that for months. They are not treating her like a series regular.

That was an amazing scene when James…. oh wait, he wasn't in it. How many eps has MB missed this season? While I don't like the Guardian, I do still like James.

Is it too much to ask to have an episode WITHOUT Mon-El in it? I've had an ass full of that guy. Which is a shame since I really liked him in the beginning but now it's too much Mon-El. I will never be OK with the Kara/Mon-El romance. I wish they had kept them as platonic friends.

Alex said, Maggie surprised her with the tickets. I assumed it was a last minute thing.

Sure there were some major plot holes but I didn't care. Loved Winn!WhiteMartian and Alex!WhiteMartian. The action was great and I really enjoyed the focus on M'ggan and J'onn. Hope that story isn't over because they were sweet together.

I just..can't stand too much Mon-El. He's better in small doses. I know a lot of people here find him fun and charming but he's just irritating me. I really liked Chris Wood but he comes across as trying too hard when trying to be witty. And I just can't with him and Kara. Still getting platonic vibe from them.

I really like Mon-El but it seems like they are giving him way too much focus lately. Now some space pirates (or whatever they were) are looking for him? Ok. And he's in love with Kara? Meh. They need to shift the focus back to Kara and give her a storyline that isn't connected to Mon-El.

This is the first ep in a long time I really enjoyed. Obvious Alchemy reveal aside, I thought this was a solid episode. Words cannot express how happy I was hearing Caitlin go off on Barry on how he keeps messing with people's lives. About time someone slapped Barry with some truth. Bonus for having Cisco join in

True. I also hope she is what she seems. It would be refreshing. But, I don't know if I trust this show to just let her be a great cop.

Not too rough. I too was waiting for the Guardian stuff to just be over. It's just not needed.

Wow what a great episode. The character development here was so good that I didn't even really care for the Big Bad of the week. I am really impressed with how they've handled Alex's story and hope they continue to write is as good as they have. I don't think I've ever seen a coming out story on TV that wasn't teens