
Just go ahead and make it worse by pointing that out, why don't you.

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

I can't even begin to describe how hard my heart is breaking right now.

My problem is that ever since season 1 they've Mary Sue-ed Sherlock into some James Bond/cool guy/stud to the dismissal of John's BAMFness, making him dumber and becoming the clueless damsel in distress. There's a slow but sure de-balling of John in an seemingly effort to make Sherlock cooler and more of a male lead

Right? I don't have a problem with a showrunner completing their set story goals, but please don't have the annoying audacity to run with a completely different story for years only to hop back on to your original one at the last minute.

Completely. When I first saw that episode I shipped them like FedEx. But basically by the end of the second season my love for them was dead.

Hope the second episode tonight proves it will do well not just post walking dead well.

I love the volleys this community gives. It's a beautiful hivemine for jokes. It's like someone is always purposefully setting them up knowing 100% someone else will spike it over.

I'm livid. I absolutely loved Tyreese. I think the actor is incredible. I want to also add that his character or type of character and perspective is needed on this show.

It's like it sets a balance in the universe.

Awww. I love this. *band nerd fist-bump*

I have the John Williams Gold collection. Though it has none of his newer stuff it's got all of the classics. And taking into account all the epic brass-filled pieces he wrote I swear the Superman theme is just The. Most. Epic. The way it rolls in slow and low and then BAM - Superman's flying in your face!

Out of curiosity I went to Reeve's wiki page and learned that 2 years after his death his wife, Dana, died from lung cancer. I can't even begin to imagine what it would have been like for their son. Jesus.

I honestly feel that loving this show may be a character flaw.

I forgot about that performance (shame on me.) He was incredible and I take back any fears I had about him playing serious straight.

If Chris Pratt is starring hell to the yeahz.

Oh crap I shouldn't find that half as funny as I do.

They should be ashamed of themselves for not fighting for the chance to produce it to be honest.

I remember watching this film and being completely enthralled by the handsomeness of Peter Dinklage's face. Like full on handsome you know. Cannavale was your typical adorable and hot schlubby dude. But I couldn't stop looking at Dinklage. Inwardly I also felt bad because I realized my surprise at finding a little

I've been slowly rewatching The Wire on AmazonPrime. Season one, boy oh boy, that is some great stuff. It may still be my favorite but I know season 3 is a gem too.