
Roadhog is still a one-shot menace, he’s just a lot more dependant on his team to capitalize on his hook-shot. He can no longer make easy trades with high value targets solo. This is only bad for mains who don’t like to think about team position too much.

Umm, you mean like every other fucking tank? You’re job is to soak up damage while your TEAMMATES take the kill, (or did you roadhog mains forget this is a team based game).

Why even make him a tank then? At that point, he’s an assassin trying to full fill Tracer, Sombra and to a degree, Reaper’s roles. But where those ones were high risk, high reward, the fat man could just walk back behind cover and heal up without much risk of punishment.

With Tracer trying to pick up a kill, you have

Almost like, he’s a ... tank class, or something. Weird