
The dude getting kicked to the curb is common sense of course, but the “i’ve stopped having sex” makes sex look really transactional, which i thought was just an ugly stereotype on women. As if women dont have natural sex drives of their own, but there is a little check box next to it of “am i getting sufficient

YouTube shouldn’t do anything to him. He didn’t do anything illegal.

Or maybe it’s because they got sick of wasting all their free time scrolling through the same posts/reposts of the same bullshit click-bait that everyone posts. Maybe they got sick of scrolling for hours to see 2 or 3 posts that actually mean anything? Maybe they got sick of Zuckfuck curating their feed to show them

“The X-Bow (pronounced ‘cross-bow’ not ‘ecks-bow’, just a reminder)“

No it isn’t, you wrote a conjecture statement about it because you can’t commit to a decision. Which by definition makes you a bitch.

The Lenovo Yogas are fantastic little machines.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton facilitated the transfer a highly enriched uranium (HEU) previously confiscated by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) during a 2006 “nuclear smuggling sting operation involving one Russian national and several Georgian accomplices,” a newly leaked classified cable shows.

Ahhhh just have a 2nd kid.. You skip all this bullshit after the 1st one and realized how you pissed away a ton of money on crap you never needed...

Hmm. I see “Mythbusters” and “hosts” but I don’t see “Adam Savage” or “Jamie Hyneman”, so there’s clearly been some sort of mistake. Please fix this mistake. Thank you.

Fixed it for you.

Really, it’s come to this?

MsMenstruation to the female victims of the phone hackers: “Maybe don’t take nudies and save them on your Iphones or Icloud and you won’t have this problem....You did this to yourself.”

Yes, there are many men who will dismiss what a woman says based solely on their gender. It is bullshit. You know what is also bullshit? Sitting down with a circle of friends in mixed gender having an actual debate (both parties are discussing an idea/politics/news story) and getting accused of ‘mansplaining’ because

Only if you hate men.

Many people who claim to be opposed to sexism / racism are the most sexist / racist people I come across.

This is a good example of the phenomenon. Pretending non gendered behavior is gendered, in order to castigate the entire gender.

Way to be a hypocrite am i right?

All this asinine fixation on the Jones act on this site the last 24 hours shows you guys have next to zero experience or exposure to this sort of thing. Long story short, Jones act has fuck-all to do with relief efforts (despite what that awful and loaded article posted earlier states)

Maybe clarify that this is not actually affecting the Drive cloud service but only the apps labeled Drive on Macs and PCs.

Congrats, you have successfully beaten the spam filter.

If Apple customers weren’t happy eating shit sandwiches they would have all quit apple years ago.

Lol what do you mean? Macs have virtually NO app ecosystem. It’s PCs that are the ones that have a strong app ecosystem.

Nope because, at the end of the day, people will complain all day about Apple’s money grubbing schemes but will still buy the next new shiny they crap out. Apple’s next product could be a wireless speaker that is shaped like dog crap, makes your whole house smell like dog crap and only plays farting noises and people