my muffin top has all that

Oh my god! This is the Massacre at Bowling Green that Kellyanne Conwoman was talking about! She can see the future!

Wow, yeah, “slutty geisha” (in line with the atrocities that are the slutty nurse, slutty Hermione Grainger, and, I kid you not, slutty Cookie Monster) treatment REALLY pushes the whole costume miles over the line.

Black person here, speaking on behalf of myself and of no other black person. I personally think it’s okay to dress as a specific character or person. Dress up in the clothes and accessories that define that character/person without adding skin color changes (makeup, paint, etc.). Where the line is drawn for me is

Problem solved.

What’s more, perhaps the lesser known good ones aren’t more famous because they refused to be complicit with this shit. I say axe all the assholes and see what happens.

That’s for Tiffany. If anyone remembers.

Be content that it isn’t a mishmash of Papyrus, Chiller MT, Comic Sans, and WingDings.

Indictment Day

Congrats and Happy Halloween to everyone who thinks they’re breaking the news about sleep paralysis to the rest of us.

In July, the president announced on Twitter that he would reinstate a ban preventing transgender people from serving openly in the military

Well played.

I just laughed so loud I scared my cat.

Donnie is Regina George, only not nearly as pretty.

As an autistic person it blows my mind that people would rather have a dead kid than an autistic one.

Can everyone please watch The Good Place? If it gets cancelled I’m going to be so sad. Its such a great show, now go catch up on Netflix!

Me too! I don’t watch any sitcoms, but I was sick one day and just put the first episode on, and now I’m hooked.

Pretty sure this show will earn Golden Globe nomination and a personal nomination for“Hardest to Wait to Watch with Significant Other Award.”

Thank you! I have a zillion more 30 Rock-related usernames I have on standby in case anything ever happens to this one.

Off topic: excellent user name.

Great, something to put on the shelf with Britney’s mom’s parenting book.