I accept your apology.
I accept your apology.
"We all want a return to the glory days of gaming"... no we don't ALL want a return to the glory days. You'd be shocked how many "gamers" today are totally happy to blindly fork over tons of their money to buy hollow, shoddy, and poorly written games only to fork over even more cash for DLC, "features", and licenses…
Cool beans. Great work on the app man, it's quite nice. Combined with DF and Directory Opus, makes for a really nice desktop environment.
Not sure if you are just trollbaiting or genuinely trying to add to the conversation... assuming you are being sincere....
No matter your attempts at justification ("oh its totally ok because it still costs money to run your own server...dur"), the fact remains, a previously free (software) option was taken from the user despite the fact that it costs EA nothing to provide the server code on the disc or as downloadable content. It's a…
I think our definitions of "core" might not match up. I'm assuming you are counting the likes of Mario et. al as core, which is fine in my book, but since the last couple were pretty awful, i didn't count them. Similarly, none of the awful Wii ports of Xbox/PS3 games like COD count in my book, not because they don't…
I didn't bring Nintendo into it because frankly, i no longer consider them a "core" gaming experience. The wii has had, with only a couple of notable exceptions (Zelda games, Tales of Graces), nothing but casual shovelware since day 1. True, they aren't greedily screwing their consumers, but they definitely aren't…
It wasn't totally clear from the forums which was the case... My own experience says both. There were reports of the problem both with and without the multi-monitor taskbar. I use the taskbar and got it badly... i tried turning off the taskbar and still ended up with the problem, though it did take longer to become…
A heads up to anyone using both DisplayFusion and Bins... the latest official version of Bins causes an aweful memory leak/cpu chew in DisplayFusion... you should head out to the Bins forums and get the latest beta with the fix if you are running both. Otherwise within a few hours of a reboot you'll find your cpu…
It's only a lamed point because you are completely ignoring the fact that they've taken the free option away (whether you could do it or not, many could) and are forcing the paid options down our throats in it's place. That's what is happening alot these days, monetizing of more and more previously free/included…
Bingo... EA will be the death of console gaming, mark my words.
Ironically, it's the publishers and console makers who are doing the most to be sure that happens though. Everything I've seen in the last few years and heard rumored for the next few says to me that consoles will be dead long before the PS5 or Xbox4. Particularly if the rumors of locking discs to your console come…
Just to be clear, Java and Javascript are two distinct and very different programming languages.
I'm not claiming that MS is without its own problems, I'm merely getting a chuckle out of the old fanboy addage that OSX is more secure and has no viruses. The truth of the matter is that OSX has less viruses because it has so many less users and therefore is a much less appealing target to hackers and malware…
OSX... virus free... not cause we're more secure, just cause no one cares!
It's only about the size of a money clip and does just that, clips right onto your pocket... I don't even notice I'm wearing it. But I definitely feel you, I had the same concern initially, which is why i bought it from somewhere with a good return policy. That said, i ended up loving it and had no need for the return…
Just picked up a FitBit... same concept except it's tied to a wirelessly syncing pedometer that tracks activity level, # steps, distance walked, # floors climbed, etc. Pretty sweet.
Re-read the article... it suggest first encrypting your whole volume, yes. But the hidden volume goes inside a truecrypt stand-alone container, which is of a fixed size itself while the volumes within are of varying sizes. The hidden volume fits in the truecrypt containers free space and unlike physical media, may or…
He's probably illiterate.
I'm a bit perplexed that the author didn't think to provide the fine congressman's website so that we could all contact him and express our support :)