
Keep in mind a lot of FF lore has been iterative and built up for years. They use the same bestiary, items, magic, and elemental strengths and weakness in all their games. Expecting an indie developer to come up with what was polished over decades of trial and error is setting them up for failure at the start. If they

It’s bad enough that games now put multiplayer into all games as a anti-piracy method. Then when the game is old and there is nobody to play with the game is worthless. 1. you can’t find anybody to play with. 2. The servers that the game connects to are decommissioned so the game can no longer be played. At the end of

There is a balance issue, but the bigger issue is, at least on PC. You can't be sure if that person was hacking or modding their gear. Rockstar seems to have no repercussions if you hack. So people have picked up hacking to even the playing field! I fled to PS4 so that the backing is at least at a minimum! 

Well Google is the first to provide 1Gbps speeds at reasonable rates to a large amount of people.

Yeah right now PC ports are up to XIII-2. If Square is good at anything it's remaking old games on new consoles to eek a few extra dollars out of the consumer. I think they got that tip from Nintendo! ;)