
Being someone who appreciates nature and hates everything we’ve done to it, I always feel bad about the animals whose natural movement over the imaginary border would be affected by a damn unneeded wall! I have a republican friend (I know!) who doesn’t seem to think that animals actually feel pain (“It’s just their

Don’t tell DJT about the numbers at the northern border being double! He’ll think you mean 8,000 and want to build a wall between us and Canada. Then we will be stuck here, with no hope of escape!

Suicide all the doors!

Gawd-dammit, I want Trump to go one-on-one with someone about all of the news that has been reported that he calls “fake news.” And I want a scoreboard there too. Go through every single piece of news one buy one and have him attempt to argue why it is “fake”, and I have no doubt the score would end up being, like,

“Now.. it’s kinda like an Abercrombie and Fitch convention..” LOL!

In my opinion, that rear end should be a hatch, kinda like the Crosstour. But it’s not.

You know there’s something wrong when each press conference can be thought of as the worst or dumbest or whatever. Do people who support him really listen to these and nod along thinking “yes, yes, he’s making such good points..”

Yes! I remembered this because he was playing the horrendous Atari 2600 version of Pac-Man... with some strange long controller. 

I would say the majority of the population, meaning most people who are not true car people, don’t really think about driving experience and such when purchasing a car. They think of their car as just a thing to get from here to there, like an how one might think of an appliance. I get that car people would want to

Right, I saw a history show about the time in Europe immediately after WWII ended and people pretty much rounded up whomever they wanted and were either very abusive or downright executed those who were said to be sympathizers. The images and actual footage of it all was pretty brutal. I’m not saying everyone was

But keep it in the UK, because I suspect there would be some stupid US rules that wouldn’t allow it to be the same show here. It truly is the best late night show out there right now.

The supporting cast is like a who’s who of BBC, and a lot of them were in Doctor Who, interestingly, at one point or another.

Next thing you know, they’ll be arrested for being tardy! I hate that schools have police officers in them. Would someone get choke-slammed if they cheated on a test, or swiped someone’s #2 pencil off their desk? There is absolutely no reason for a cop to interject themselves into that type of situation. Would these

C’mon Tucker, your argument only matters your BS rhetoric was going to get you arrested, in which case, no, you are not, and you are welcome to continue your hateful, racist speech. But freedom of speech doesn’t exempt you from the court of public opinion who also have every right to use their voice to show how very

I sure like them white-walls. But seriously, I like the look of white-walls on small pick-ups. That is all.

I’ve lived here all my life and have worked downtown for 18 years and have lived downtown for the last 10. But I’ve lived in most corners at one point or another.

Also, it’s a testament that other fans can have almost a completely different ranking. There’s something there for everyone, and I feel we have barely scratched the surface of what the MCU can become. My top 5 are:
Avengers 1, Iron Man 1, Capt Am 2: Winter Soldier, Thor 3: Ragnarok, and... # 5 is a toss up between

Perhaps so that they have a version they can show on their family-friendly Disney+ Streaming? Idk..

I’m still waiting for Depeche Mode to get in. Shrug.

So I’m binge watching Person of Interest for the 2nd time (not sure why, reasons), but this happens to me all the time because I’m on my phone since it’s a repeated viewing but I also missed something dramatic. But yeah, I can just rewind.