
Certain people will shit anywhere. I worked in a crappy retail clothing store and more than once, I found pissy jeans in the fitting room, so I wouldn't have been surprised by an actual shit.

Excuse me, Hermione didn't use a spell, she used a time-turner. *pushes up nerd glasses*

I definitely do not like those colours together at all.

Have your guests booked flights yet? Based on other comments, it sounds like that aspect will also be pretty nightmareish.

Oh frig, I thought you meant the Broadway show, and assumed this was mid-90s. To not know what HIV is by the 2000s is just baffling.

Oh nooooo. How do you make it through that show without knowing what AIDS is?!

"Craft herpes" is a widely-known expression, but no RENT?! :( :( :( Someone has heard one too many "La Vie Boheme"s sung by a bunch of kids who don't get any of the things referenced, I'm guessing.

Oh my god. Imagine making that dress on purpose? :O

I was always so FURIOUS with this dress. The original was gooorrrgeous.

I honestly don't think that HTTYD2 will be that obvious a winner. I mean, did anyone here even SEE Big Hero 6? Because it was fucking fantastic. Like, almost Iron Giant level great.

I am *cackling* right now. Those poor idiots.

I've always wanted to see a real-life version of that last scene in 27 Dresses...

If I remember the sketch correctly, there was a whole bunch of Biebers who were meant to be decoys for the press. So basically everyone in the cast and whoever the host was all did a Bieber impression. Kate McKinnon's is still the best.

lol sorry, angry baby, I legitimately did not see the multitude of replies saying the same thing.

I suspect that it was less a "tip of the hat" and more a contractual obligation. There are all kinds of things that go into what order your name appears in the credits for shows. Like, it was a big deal when Alyson Hannigan went from normal cast name in the Buffy credits to "And Alyson Hannigan as Willow" as she'd

Gilmore Girls ended a few years ago but was recently added to Netflix, which has caused somewhat of a resurgence in its popularity.

It's not about making less than a co-star, is about the women making less than the men.

100% truth. No lies detected.

How are you not already pointing out that Nialler looks more like Ellen than Bieber does and everyone knows it? I rely on you for all 1D commentary, Adultosaur. Nobody else gets me like you do.

Was her "I KNEW IT" statement directed towards the President or Hazza, though?