
We found that multiple scratching post options (we have one cardboard thing and one carpet covered fancy-ass $200 gigantic cat tree) were the answer. And Soft Claws nail caps are also amazing, though a pain in the ass to put on if you've got a squirmer.

I spend about 5-10 minutes a few times a week swishing a flyswatter around under the fridge(, oven, book shelves, tv stand, etc.) looking for cat toys. Which aren't usually toys at all, because there are goddamn crinkle balls and mousies everywhere, but they DESPERATELY need the hair elastics, twist-ties and plastic

I'm sorry but the most important detail is being left out: what movie is this from???

It says per session, not per scout. As someone who works in a museum, there is a definite need for specific language there. Like, our education programs in house are usually $5.75 per student, but we have a roadshow version that is set at $215 per class.

I assumed the time between birth and now has been extremely shitty for them, socially, and they were hopeful that it would get better as their shitty racist friends got "used to" the idea or whatever, but it hasn't gotten better and it has taken them this long to realize they need to GTFO to someplace more tolerant.

The "you are a terrorist" tweets come from mostly racist trolls, yes. But those are still many people, not just a singular person saying it. Enough of them and often enough that it got to the point that he had to delete his twitter account for awhile because that vile shit took over his timeline and mentions. And

Her husband was also the dad on American Dreams aka the show that made me cry EVERY EPISODE.

We exist! :D

I've only been to a few shows, none of which were remotely close to me— we literally bought tickets almost a year in advance and spent the next 10-11 months saving up and planning a trip to London. We also did other stuff obviously but when you're a grown up, why the fuck not spend your vacation days planned around

They're not children, though? They're all in their early twenties. It's a lot less creepy when they have passed the legal drinking age and could feasibly be encountered in a bar. I don't want to date any of them, thanks, but they're nice to look at in a "you are cute and British, please keep doing that" sort of way.

Personally, when I saw the sketch, I didn't really think anything of it, because they didn't call Zayn out specifically. I initially saw it as yet another random reference to the band in that they are powerful and have that sort of Global Domination aspect to their band, which some people dislike and the joke was

It's her shoulder. Her arms are pulled in and his arms are around her. She has long hair.

Hello, I am one such person.

Maybe in France they start a pack with the placebos? It's a bit weird but they do all kinds of things differently.

According to the guide arrows, she started in the right direction? But she's French, so idk. (The date letters are LMMJVSD, so lundi, mardi, mercredi, etc.)

I think the only reason I have fond memories of Billy Madison is because it was the movie we were watching the first time a guy I liked touched my boobs.

The only reason I even know who this Prokop dickwad is is thanks to the DCOM they starred in together. I'm betting this will be pulled from rerun rotation.

I was also thinking of Big Fish, and how he's absolutely capable of doing interesting real-world things (especially without Depp and HBC), and though even Big Fish had a fantastical side to it, the heart of the movie were in the modern day scenes with Albert Finney, Jessica Lange and Billy Crudup.

That sounds like some Tatiana Maslany-level skill. Not sure even HBC could pull it off.