
Not a troll. I respect your opinion but mine is that he's the worst president so far, Bush wasn't great but at least he wasn't socializing things... Or throwing our money away on things like cash for clunkers... Or raising the deficit by as many trillions as possible.

But... What part didn't you get then?

Really I wouldn't have thought that. I was going based on the common sense that mobility=mobile...

Ahh, I see. They aren't mobile though?

iOS has far more app use. Mostly because it's better suited to the average heavy app user.

-second most popular OS is hardly unorthodox

EXACTLY what I'd do. It'd look friggin sweet to have a black anodized MBP, everyone would ask where I got it....

You can make an MBP unique. Nothing wrong with that. The article just says don't half ass it by dying it in your sink.

The neat features like magsafe, battery left displayed even when off, nicest (IMO) keyboard...

You do realize they bought Motorola MOBILITY? That's cell phones. Not cable boxes...

Please for the love of god I hope he loses the upcoming election. Four more years of destroying american values will be truly hard to repair... And he's already done so much damage...

I truly don't have a black/white view of the world. My most recent smartphone is a Pre3. I have also had a droid and a WM phone before that. I experiment with all the phones and the iPhone is the all time best so far. I plan on getting the 4s soon.

Lets see if your right.

OK forget the teleprompter. That's not the point.

OK maybe it's more that I think people SHOULDNT know who oprah is... Shes just some TV personality and shouldn't have the influence on America that she has... IMO

You don't get it!?!? "One with a STAFF" get it now??? Like a magic staff LOL...

I'm gonna give you a heartclick for that one... F-ing hilarious! :D

Did you not read the article? All smartphones were crap UNTIL the iPhone. The iPhone was instantly the best phone in the world and Android, WP7, and WebOS later copied it.

Hahahaha :D

I honestly don't think you should expect the world to know oprahs face. Some people don't watch that kind of TV, especially men... I couldn't imagine watching oprah...