
Saying that people "disagree with obamas politics" gives him too much credit... He doesn't even know what politics are. Sure the guy may be smart but he is CLUELESS when it comes to all things political. He puts on a nice face and stares at the teleprompter...

Way to take things literally Frank, the point is he's the worst president this country has ever seen...

Oh yeah? Please demonstrate.

Yeah I'd say keep 'em case free!

Not really considering their audience speaks english...

Damn politicians...

LOL xbox ftw... I never got how PS people prefer the tiny squatty PS controller to the awesome ergo xbox controller...

Could you imagine a shattered radioactive asteroid raining down on the earth??? Crazy.

I thought the same thing...

Not really... Actually the modern touchscreen makes stylii unnecessary and they only get in the way...

Steve Jobs was a different kind of genius... It's a shame you have no respect for creativity. Not everything is numbers and creative people matter to the world too.

Definitely failed political science.... Ain't gotta clue how to run a country.

Yeah that guy sounds like a serious wierdo... Who the hell does that??? I love squirrels they are cute as hell...

Oh I totally agree with that... I hate the way so many things are controlled by the government that they should just leave the f—k alone. They operate so inefficiently trying to nanny everything and then making us foot the enormous bill for all their unnecessary actions...

I agree... My dad pays with checks (no fee) at the supermarket because he knows that supermarkets have low margins and 3% takes alot of that away...

You do realize they NEVER change font sizes? The iphone 4 has EVERYTHING the same size as before, it just is more crisp and detailed. Hold a 3gs and a 4 next to each other, you'll see the font is the same it just looks much better on the 4.

Why can't you still be friends on fbook but just not do the "in a relationship"?

LOL that would stop me too...

I agree with you on this issue. The fact that people want to deny women's right to choose based on their religion is beyond wrong, and I believe that abortion is a freedom we have no right to deny. However I hope you are not a democrat, as so many things they believe in are wrong as well. I personally do not fit quite

The marine murdered civilians. He didn't "just" kill them. And it was highly immoral. He lined up perfectly innocent people just like you and me and slaughtered them for no reason.