
She was more entertaining back in the alternate past. Time doesn't do well by all folks.

Or how dumb the writers are, even with good characters.

This series is mostly locked in, DC/Warner aren't turning the vehicle around. I expect both domestic and international grosses to carry this universe building, and hopefully audiences and critics reviews to temper future DCU slate of follow-ups. But like the Transformers, when has critical review derailed director

MOS was a dark film for me, good enough in quality but not inspiring. For a relaunch and vehicle to a new cinematic universe, it seems BvS continues to make Supes too dark (gritty for a modern era/error) that him vs Batman is the same side of a dirty coin. I'll watch it for the spectacle but little else will endear.

Not a bad thing, but wouldn't want Zack Snyder directing or writing it.

Because it was more inspiring to the young and young at heart?

Didn't say the world was not in need of inspiring heroes, these movies are written in today's formula of heroism, imo, and not inspiring as I've written elsewhere. For all it's camp, og Superman movie as a young person I left the theater "believing" a man could fly and inspired/hopeful.

They are a Superman and Batman for today's world.

I get it's serious, people make it very clear why, but the manner in which a government rep handled it would be cannon fodder. Here,both sides come of disrespectful, except one is considered the govt official and speaking for the whole country. How the bugger off was stated, how the jail time or pay a lump sum was

Well, I look forward to it. Here's blood in your eye.

Too bad they aren't really using Cleveland at all. Didn't really miss his show until it was gone.

It was always an easy choice of not seeing either Hercules movies from this year, though going against Alan Moore was tempting until I read the specifics.

Wow, that was straight out of stupid.

Some names are too much of the moment. Parents should consider what they'll think of their name choices beyond the scope of their favorite shows. What if a show comes out after with a villain with the same name, will they dislike what they've chosen?

Seems to be about right.

Yes your commentary is very interesting, more please.

Comment on a war or something.

If only for you.


I don't care about whether you thought it was. Good bye.