
The best part about his charity work is that he hasn’t abandoned his relationship with the children’s hospital, either. He sent the children a message about how sad he was to leave Montreal but that he’d still be thinking about them, and I believe he sends them little videos now and again too.

But it’s how the world works and has worked for thousands of years. Use the marketplace of ideas image—you can bring your idea to market, but nobody has to buy it. And once it’s in the marketplace, people are free to tell other people if it’s a shitty or harmful product that shouldn’t be on the shelves. Protesting

Seriously. I live/work downtown and could hear the screaming from Maple Leaf Square after Bozak’s goal last night—in my condo, blocks away, with the windows shut.

My cat likes to jump on my shoulders/back too if I’m not paying enough attention to him, so I’m usually wearing a furry scarf when I’m taking off my makeup after work. Your old lady kitty sounds sweet!

Mine too! Whenever I come in after work they coming trotting out to see me and demand cuddles—and it has nothing to do with dinner time because that’s like two hours later. And if I go away for a night or two they always have to sleep ON me during my first night back :) I love it!

“Sesame Street? Isn’t that the show about the puppets that live in the barrio?”

Canada! We aren’t perfect, but we have nowhere near the level of race-related strife that you find in the States.

Exactly. They don’t seem to understand that the whole point of things like Obamacare, Planned Parenthood, the CDC and even the EPA is to save lives - and that they have already saved millions by making sure Americans have easy access to healthcare and that they (for the most part—sorry, Flint) don’t live in a toxic

Hari Nef did a really great Tedx talk on the complicated relationship between being trans and passing. Sure, some women just like being really girly and there’s nothing wrong with that. But when you are trans, your external expression—whether or not you pass as a cis woman—can mean the difference between life and

This is a great response—really eloquently put. Thank you for sharing!!! There are as many different types of women as there are women, and then some <3

But genetics are not the same thing as gender, The best proof of this is the fact that like it or not, trans people exist and have done for millenia. Besides, unless you want to reproduce—which, sure, is an evolutionary instinct that some, though not all, people feel, and which is kind of a redundant urge at that,

Agreed. When Quebec was pushing separatism in the 90s, there were plenty of reasons why it would or wouldn’t work—but the military aspect wasn’t a big deal at all. Why? Because you really don’t need a big military unless you plan on invading people all the time.

Or the Schengen Group and Iran.

The only reason he couldn’t establish a right wing extremist party in Hungary is because Hungary is already run by right wing extremists. That’s too much competition for someone with an ego like his.

One thing that really infuriated me—though tbh it all did—was the immigration reform bit, when Trump said he wanted to adopt a system more like Canada’s or Australia’s. First off, Australia is notoriously horrible to refugees and is unapologetic about dumping as many as possible in an island detention centre for

Right? She’s so fucking tough. It’s got to be so shitty to continually have to face off against these idiots—and really, why should she have to? But she’s not afraid to do it because she knows how important it is for her to be public, for all the trans folk that don’t have the same privilege.

Nah, that’d be a great interactive exhibit!

It’s great to see Arendt getting some buzz lately, but Origins is only so useful. I recommend reading some of the essays in Between Past and Future if you want to start thinking about where we go from here, and what our responsibilities as “spectators” and consumers of media are to crises that might be somewhat

That’s actually a pretty clever strategy. There’s no way Trump will let this guy be sworn in now. It’s too bad that it’s too late to try it with some of the more horrible cabinet picks.

Oops you’re right! How embarrassing...