
I wonder if it's telling that of the names, available only 2 of them are currently on teams and only one (Suggs) is a lock to make roster this coming season.
Telling in terms of support among players and/or the desire to be publicly linked to LGBT support.
I like & support the concept, I just wonder if it's a bit

its the NFLPA (the players union) so I would imagine that was already taken care of. In fact, probably the reason these players are the options.

There isn't one. He found a chance to beat off to the "based god of apple hate: in the shrine of 'Stupid americans not using international standards' & couldn't pass it up.

and A4 paper?? considering Evan's in America that shit is not common. In fact an ipad/tablet, macbook/laptop iphone IS the more common point of

you do know we already have 3rd party DRM right?

Go buy a used copy of Madden, FIFA, UFC (only using sports cause the only ones I know for sure have it) for either 360 OR PS3. IF the previous owner used it, you will have to pay to use the multiplayer component of the game. PS4 is just continuing the current way of

I didn't give them a 1 but they def to a hit w me since they pulled the "we'll have more information re: used games at e3" and then E3 comes and ...pfft. They had to know they had a massive amt of negative press coming in and the majority of those negative sentiments were in the group of the population that watches

If they are implying DRM like EA's online passes for sports games and the like, I'm fine with that if only cause that is the system we have in place now. If you are buying a game used that has that, a) it (normally?) says it on the box & allows you to factor that in when purchasing. and the $$ is used for the part

He's an idiot. Consumers have rights codified into law in the VAST majority of countries. I'd even wager to say the we in the US have less rights as consumers(or customers; for all intents & purposes, they are the same thing) than in other developed countries

corporations love nitwits like him.

Middling to average at best. Probably has some great days but there's others out there with a overall higher rating. Has shown an ability to take a pounding & score on occasion.

troll fail or lack of understanding of video games. Your choice.

The knockout is so much more interactive on this Smart glass! (tm) I can watch it, TV AND a replay at the same time!

Sony didn't just take Microsoft's lunch money.

Sony just went back to MS's house, took Dad's wallet, kissed their sister, palmed moms ass, then tossed $1.75 on the table saying "There's your damn lunch money" while they peeled out on the front lawn. #Gameover

Thanks. That whole cousins/degrees of relations is cofusing as hell

I know this is late but, does Bristol look like a winter wonderland that smells like a 14 year old boys sheets?

Surely teh worldwide leader is having a collective nipple pinch over this.

Ah yes, Sins of the father/son.

Tell me, when will we executing the Tsarnaev brothers parents??
Or putting Eric Snowden's cousin in the clink??
bankrupting Ken Lay's kids?

From the linked article: “Cheryl agreed to temporarily allow the maternal relatives (to) take Zoey to Texas for her mother’s funeral. The maternal relatives have now ceased communicating with Cheryl Shepherd and have refused to return her calls or return the child to her care.”

First rule of child custody when no

my sentiments exactly. especially with the whole 'my cousins sister's mother' deal going on.

"On one side will be Belcher's mother, Cheryl Shepard of West Babylon, N.Y. On the other side will be Perkins's maternal cousin, Sophie, of Pflugerville, Texas, and Sophie's parents and sister"

So the child's grandmother vs the child's 2nd(or 3rd?) cousins, great aunt/uncle...Are Perkins' parents dead? no siblings?


Well then, criticism withdrawn. I have no problem with them requiring membership being current to use either. The as long as they offer them part could get annoying especially if its a RPG or something you want to come back to later.

I certainly hope the video looked better in person cause that right there was warmed over shit sandwich.

Mirror Edge 2 alone was enough to save EA from this monstrosity for the day so no harm done. Besides, I would love to meet basketball playing gamers who have even a)missed NBA live or b) cared about it since 2001.