thank you EA & kotaku for making me squeal & have my wife now looking at me very oddly. NO FUCKS GIVEN.
thank you EA & kotaku for making me squeal & have my wife now looking at me very oddly. NO FUCKS GIVEN.
Are the games on PSN rent/time limited? I don't have a PS3 so I am unfamiliar w that component. If that is the case & MS is letting you buy & keep games as long your subscription is current (at minimum) then yes, the XBL way is better.
and appeals/complaint re: judge filing in 3...2...
You forgot to add RON PAUL!1!!!!! & reLOVEution in there somewhere.
So no mention of DRM AFTER Major Nelson & other associated media flacs gave us the " your questions will be answered at E3/more information at e3 etc" BS lines and an announced price of FIVE HUNDRED FLIPPIN DOLLARS??? You announce your new system at the same price point that your competitions last system was announced…
the general (logical) complaints are more along the lines of
"you are clearly copying a perk that your competitor has been using for years, but instead of matching them, you go half way? Why should I stick with you and not your competition?"
Free games are great but don't toot that horn too loudly when your prime…
i would imagine they are going to have a transition/conversion period. MS would get screwed & lawsuits otherwise I would imagine.
"I just bought 16o0 MS points from [Insert store/website of choice]. What do you mean you don't take them? Why are they still being sold then?"
Imagine that conversation being played out…
No shock. Georgia has been pumping & promoting the state to shows via tax breaks/credits hard last few years. I'd wager the vast majority (>85%) of shows/movies set somewhere in CA aren't filmed here.
Troy's got taste.
now THAT is relevant.
The issue isn't the early adopters/innovators who are aware of the implications. The people who shouldn't be in that category (the majority of gamers) but try to and then want to bitch after the fact are the problem & who the article is aimed at. They tried to give a nice way of saying "we know who you are, you know…
This.. Granted posting/talking about this on Kotaku is slightly pointless considering Kotaku is the primarily the minority, vocal & otherwise, in the realm of video games. I don't have an interest in being paying to be a beta tester. I might/probably will get the 720 (yep still going with it.) or PS4, at some point, …
Hetero, but concur w sentiments.
Am I the only one that had some interest in this movie, to have it go COMPLETELY out the window when you found out it was an M. Night movie?? I feel like I can't be, if only cause I don't remember it even being mentioned until a few weeks ago. Even then, is was very subtle.
nailed it.
Who da fuk outside of chain restaurants does that? Better yet who believes it? No grill, no barbecue.
those ranch dressing packets work good too.
true (for all conceivable purposes). but notice you have to add truecrypt which as an open source program is secure because the security is coming from you.
anyone not using truecrypt or hell even keepass to generate a password is back in the category i mentioned.
Also how is truecrypt? only heard of it recently,…