
Nailed it. AND they are probably better cause they are dead so none of that 'we were innocent soldiers following orders etc.'

Personally I want to see a Civil War game. If in an alternate history where the treasonous are handled the way traitors should be? even better.

considering the apprehension for this game re: Dead Island (Haven't played it), is it unreasonable to want this game to do at least above decent in hopes it lights a fire under EA to actually make a ME2? Or at least a 'spiritual successor' Static Shock/Bioshock like?

tiger would claim he's quad/cinco-racial but again my response is so are most of us and yet....

+1 Although some could make the debate for better or just different 1863 vs. 2013

Personally I'm just mad I likely won't be around for space exploration/first contact. It's not cheating when she's not from Earth.

Does it suck? yeah but as the president (and my son later in his life sadly) can attest, even when you are half white, that part is quickly forgot and is life. that the black part is what you are dominantly ID with. So while Tiger is choosing to forgo that, which he has the ability to, for those of us that can't it

I was hoping it was code for his sexual proclivities.

If you get bored google images for blacks fried chicken/watermelon and let America show you it's finest.
I almost lost my shit from partial paranoia once at chipotle. Woman asked wife what kind of burrito she wanted. Then asked me what sounded a LOT like "the chicken I presume" Didn't know if she was trying to be cute

red wings tat on the other leg? That's not for Detroit folks.

a) just cause they went to school and get paid for it does't mean they are good at what they do.
b)I concur on what you're saying though, Tempest in a teapot and all. It was a tad funny, the interwebs(Kotaku's corner of it) is getting bent out of shape when at the end of the day a year from now we will likely all just

well till humanity stops being.. humanity.

Well FWIW they didn't name Skype & the name Bing kinda sucks.

no one has a choice as to what race they are born into. Tiger isn't special and for him to come with this whole "I'm Casblacian" BS is not even trite it smacks of his sense of entitlement as an athlete and a bit of self hatred (for being ID'd as black)

If Tiger Woods was "Tiger Woods, UPS Driver from East Palo Alto"

because since so much else is tied rightly or wrongly to gender & race. income, prison/crime sentencing etc.

as to tiger NOT being black: Negro Please.
this is america. home of the one drop rule.

Put him in a hoodie with an alias walking down the street of NYC and let him tell NYPD or the taxi drivers he's not black. Or a back road in the South.

he's a Spaniard. So according to US census race: White; Ethnicity: Hispanic

it stems from slavery and segregation eras. Slaves weren't allowed to raise more expensive meats so chickens... Fast forward to post 'southern treason event' when blacks traveled they weren't allowed to eat where whites ate so they often had to bring their own food. The south is hot, fried foods don't require

"People much smarter than us, making much more money than us, with much more experience in marketing than us, discussed this at length and likely did focus group testing." Exactly. This applies to the product taking off and being a success too.

-What's that you say?
Like the Zune?
Kane & Lynch?
HTC Status?

The eventual (primary)target isn't EA. It's the NCAA.
EA got the licensing rights from the NCAA so EA will (rightfully) claim they have the right to include college players stats/likeness etc. from the NCAA. So the arguement will be who gave the NCAA the rights to the likenessess and the overall exposure of the NCAA's

not even just limited but considering the love affair ISP's have with throttling... It's baffling to me how many people don't even THINK this is an issue. Apparently a lot of them are running around Redmond.