
I expected this episode to be a bit more lighthearted considering yesterdays episode. There weren't any epic battles (excluding the Cloverfield-esque camera view of the Crab monster battles) or any dramatic outbursts, but it was still a strong comedic episode. Ronaldo isn't my favorite beach city resident by a

I'm an INTJ and people still mistake me as an extrovert because I'm more outgoing around close friends. It's very likely that the same is happening with Connie.

Is that a DBZ abridged reference?

But if you thinking about it learning how to be independent is a big part of learning how to socialize. Connie is an obvious introvert and when introverts make close friends they tend to latch onto that person. Connie walking by Steven and barely saying hello highlights her independence AND her social development

Connie also seems to be growing more independent of Steven. If you notice that while Steven was reading the book Connie just walked into the house. That's way different from back in Ocean Gem when she said she felt weird being in his house without him there.

I was hoping that Connie would learn to be an effective fighter. Ever since Lion 2:The Movie I wanted to more of her in action. Steven and Connie's relationship also seems to be paralleling Ruby and Sapphires, especially considering that they fight so well together. Almost like a fusion without a fusion. Grace Rolek