
What a great comment! And no, that was not my sarcastic voice. The Author of this article definitely had a personal axe to grind.

You have serious issues.
People like you are why Trump won.

It came in second to the SECOND week of The Secret Life of Pets.
Lot's of people haven't seen it.

Have you seen the Joker in that…?

There's nothing quite like a good Wiz!

Three words.
"About Last Night"

Apparently you didn't read it.

Don't you love how they have to grab a SHOCKING RACIST headline that in reality just says, "The character I wrote was straight and white so why not leave him what as I created him as and create a new one that's what you'd like him to be". DAMN HIM!!!

You are a troll.

This reminds me of that time Howard Stern quit and they filled the spot with David Lee Roth…

We'll always have that great new movie they're making….

he was very saddddddd

Amazing people pay money to listen to this jack-off

Kill my landlord…kill my landlord…

Hear Hear! I've always wondered why some people hold it so high.

Beer Baron-Re: "[Singing] "I'm a big fat muffin that loves to eat, a big fat muffin that has no feet. But most of all, I'm a big fat muffin that loves to explode." And then you did."

I've changed my mind. I'm watching the episode and hating Family Guy. I want my Cleveland Show back.

Usually I'll deal and watch the whole episode, but I actually deleted the show halfway through the news. They need to totally revamp the lineup other than Keenan.

He is freaking HILARIOUS! (That is not sarcasm).