
I doubt Cavill is tired of the role, he was openly enthusiastic about the role and a fan of the games


yeah the american system is fucking stupid, that said I still tip in actual restaurants in the UK, mostly rounding the bill to the nearest whole note and leaving the change although if the bill is higher than £30 and the difference small I add a few quid.

in any rational universe that voicemail is a vote winner for Biden.

Drow can be fixed just by making them the creepy red eyed albino elves who live underground rather than the black skinned white haired creepy elves who live underground.

FF12 had Fran, also plenty of non human NPC

Brother printers last a good while, we had one unit running 500+ pages a day for 6 years before it died, needed a couple of new drums, feed could occasionally be a bit sensitive, but it stood up better than anything else we tried

The way it works in Britain is that all officers involved are suspended with pay following any shooting, the shooting is then investigated top to bottom with regards to how justified it was and whether any mistakes were made prior to the final shooting.

And don’t give me trash about “But but but a middle ground!”, fanboys flip their shit even at minor and logical changes - something absolutely proven by Wheel of Time!’

barely and it was a internal party one, not a confidence vote in parliament 

did you read the second paragraph of the post you are replying to?

gay joke?

possibly because he has repeatedly acted like a impulsive entitled blowhard, and repeatedly talked the talk when he damn well should have known he couldnt walk.

american justices pointing to british law is fine, both share a common indeed common law background, the problem is he is pointing far too far back and should in fact be pointing at current british law for a stance on abortion, legal up to 24 weeks, or after in certain circumstances.

element of vanity or desire to memorialise, being charitable probably more of the latter.

the missile batteries in question are anti aircraft missile batteries, not strike weapons, the US isnt deploying cruise missiles to eastern nato bases but weapons specifically designed to prevent the russians or any other hostile power being able to launch air attacks or ballistic missile attacks against those members.

why not both...

5'11" and she deserved to be fired

I was assuming he meant I have heard it more times in this one day than I would normally hear it in a period of years say 25 times today and i can think of maybe 20 times i have heard it in the preceeding 4 years.

so small bathrooms use pull cord, decent sized ones have a normal style switch, all have some form of effective light switch and the regulation is eminently sensible.