
was discussing this in work today and from the point of view of an englishman it seems very strange that there isnt more talk of amending the constitution to remove ‘natural born’ from the requirements, and replace it with ‘naturalised or natural born’ American citizenship is not particularly easy to obtain so if

ww1 wasnt actually a war in which more died from disease than battle, indeed the last war in which that was the case was probably the crimean war.

interestingly the privy council is more likely than not to rule in the kids favour, the issue being settled more or less in favour of dreadlocks in the uk decades ago, to the point of uniform concesions to rastafarians in uniformed jobs.

wierdest is probably liquiorice jelly beans, used to by tubs of mixed flavour jelly beans, small tub bout once a week and snack on them while doing homework etc when i was a kid, but couldnt stand the liquiorice ones so would pick them out, Boswell our little westie on the other hand loved the bloody things so i used

always amazes me that ren and stimpy was shown as a kids cartoon.

nah they made a point about public consultation about the replacement, and the mayor is pretty firm on the idea of doing everything openly and democratically,the protest statue will almost certainly be on the list, quite probably the winner, but it will be a public vote, I live in the city and it will almost certainly

honestly at this point i think i believe both sets of accusations and neither set of denials, both come of as deeply unpleasant on some level and it sounds like when their fuck up of a relationship imploded they both started flingiing shit to get the best out of the divorce settlement.

even if that were the case and it isnt, a ‘death panel’ composed of doctors trying their best to allocate limited resources to do the greatest good is still better than the current death panel which consists of insurance companies trying their best to minimise their fiancial commitment to their customers and avoid

heart attack while on toilet after getting word that they found the receipts for the whole russia thing would also be good.

close second after IX, VII in 3rd.

of course ‘football’ would have been more appropriate.

Yub Yub...

dont think i have ever seen them coloured

I can tell at a glance thats a stock photo from a english source, largely because you dont really get Frys chocolate cremes outside the UK and not reliably in all parts of the UK, also Crunchies.

that Ben and jerrys have published a statement on george floyds death that is more passionate and damning of the current status quo than most democratic politicians is certainly a point in their favour, its also a big mar against those deomcrats in office who havent managed to match its fury.

greatest pirates perhaps, but not the greatest extortioners, that would fall to the spanish, who extorted literally tons of gold from south america with slave labour.

you cant use police to bust up police union meetings, the price for using the police that way was they unionised themselves to gain power

I was reading a article on BBC news earlier which was looking at the figures for deaths in custody in britain over the last few years and how they broke down racially.

he’s fairly fucking bad, but comparing him to trump is like comparing a head cold to coronavirus.

the british troops that opened fire in boston that day were a single squad of 9 that fired between them a grand total of 9 rounds - one single volley- after spending 45+ minutes being pelted and abused by a crowd, with the pelting starting at dung and rotten vegetables and moving up to paving stones, they fired their