
the thing i love about midsommer is that i know the area it was originally based on, its got about 50k-75k people in the entire area at most, and has a average murder rate about 10 times the UK average, if the show is to be believed, while in reality there really arent that many murders in the area even if you stretch

thats actually a little more complicated, ‘soccer’ is derived from ‘association football’ that is football played according to the rules of the Football Association or FA and was used to distinguish it from ‘Rugby Football’ or as its more commonly known Rugby, as can readily be guessed from the names of sundry

the thing is the mens game does require a higher degree of skill, but the US mens team by no means possesses that level of skill.

the thing thats puzzling me is why the fuck party affiliations are registered at all? that shit shouldnt be part of any public record.

i do have a problem with him being executed despite being a accomplice, largely because the guy who actually fired the shots seems to regard him as a bystander/victim not a accomplce or active participant

well if you have the gun anyway, you may as well. you probably wouldnt buy one specifically for hunting but if you brought one for the normal reasons AR15 owners buy them - not good reasons but reasons nonetheless- then you can save on buying a dedicated hunting rifle and just use the AR15 which will kill most game up

‘oh no, not again’ or ‘i thought putin was still in moscow’

I dont know if it was intentionally racist or not but if not for the cameras and modern image manipulation software dude stood a fairly good chance of getting away with it.

jessie j despite sometimes questionable material can actually sing for starters

interestingly enough and reading between the lines over the last 15 years or so being a royal has already fucked over Harry in one career path he seemed genuinely interested in following, specifically the british army.

part of my brain is hurting at ‘wisconsin cheddar’ or indeed the use of cheddar to describe any cheese not made within 50 miles of the gorge.

civilised spelling

i wouldnt say the average brit hate meghan more than Andrew, the hate is a vocal minority, very much a minority but sadly also very much vocal.

all of it.

but at least they have something to tide them over while they look

one of the issues with the NHS is that it is a victim of its own success.

well to a degree yeah, He was out on license as a result of government policies and killed people, so the left is quite correctly unhappy with it and is expecting the right unable to attack the left on law and order/security in this instance to instead stir up more islamophobia as a distraction.

Corbyn is not ideal as a candidate for Prime minister, but then he is running against Boris johnson a man manifestly unfit for the office, and in large part responsible for the mess the country currently finds itself in and who appears to tell the truth only when he cant remember which lie he was meant to be telling

problem is that both labour and tory policies contributed to his release and while stabbing attacks occured under tory governments a case can be made that the reason we are getting more ‘lone wolf’ style attacks is because the larger plots are mostly being broken up.

dogs are smarter than cats though, like in terms of problem solving ability. cats seem more intelligent sometimes because they act aloof and dismissive of use, but i have seen cats shit of the the side of a litter box and then scratch the floor trying to bury it, then look puzzled that it wasnt working.