
its not ‘conflation’ its a accurate description of the detention centers, they are concentration camps.

the detainment centers are concentration camps, a concentration camp is NOT the same thing as a world war 2 nazi extermination camp, the japanese internment camps in ww2 were concentration camps, by any dictionary definition the current detainment centers are concentration camps.

no, sadly its because he has been dead for 10 years.

nor stilton, white or blue, no red leicester no double gloucester no wenslydale.

we still spend significantly less per capita for far better access to care than the US, sure its expensive in absolute terms and its a pretty big line item in the budget every year.

its mostly the fucking boomers, not content with fucking the housing market and screwing over millenials in that way they also voted most strongly to leave, the 18-35 year olds pretty much voted to stay.

The NHS has issues, but most of them are due to lack of funding, and largely as a result of its own success a massively increased burden in terms of long term care for the elderly and chronically ill, groups that without the NHS would suffer significantly higher mortality rates.

thats a bit of a unfair comparison to Henry VIII at least at the point at which he divorced Catherine, the marriage had been primarily political and his dynasty was under significant pressure to produce a male heir, once it became clear she would not be able to have more children and once he was in love with ann boleyn

my favourite pub in my hometown is always happy to let people have free samples at least of the stuff thats on tap, but then they are a Sam Smiths which means they pretty much only sell the breweries stuff and while they have a fairly decent variety, it isnt the same brands as the other pubs and bars have, so they get

not his choice, he submits report to DoJ, DoJ currently run by trumps sock puppet, gets to decide what gets redacted from released version.

minor point but Elizabeth didnt execute Mary Stuart for being catholic, she had her executed for being a arrogant backstabbing bitch who was too stupid to live.

there are also some of us who just agree with the idea that a woman has the right to choose, and that life doesnt begin till some point after 22 weeks.

kind of a tricky one, I was never anti choice to begin with nor do i know any guys who are - although its worth pointing out that i am english in england and abortion law is pretty much settled here and more liberal than the US - but I think the issue is that until the foetus is viable outside the womb I dont think

the flaw in your logic is that you seem to believe that everyone must have something they want to hide in their tax returns, this is demonstrably not the case as most candidates voluntarily publish their returns during their candidacy.

what part of ‘NYPD officer’ was unclear?

and the problem with that is?

its not too much freedom, that is a oxymoron, it is the case that birth control options are restricted and in the US rather too expensive, there arent people out there getting abortions for fun, they get abortions because they are pregnant and feel unable to meet the obligations inherent in carrying a child to term,

the problem with your argument is that those people most loudly campaigning against abortion are also the people most often opposing and campaigning against things like effective sex education in schools, or the availability and ease of access to contraception methods, who starve social services of any funding to deal

or a condom, or IUD or the pill, we arent animals. we have learnt how to control fertility, in the same way that the natural consequence of a infection is death, the natural consequence of sex is pregnancy.