Uh, sorry to burst your bubble, but EA are assholes. Is this actually in dispute?
Uh, sorry to burst your bubble, but EA are assholes. Is this actually in dispute?
Frankly with corporations this large, that’s the only way to provoke a response. You think EA would have done anything had the fan response not been so vitriolic and loud? It goes both ways here.
Right, but you’re on Kotaku, you’re probably a gamer, that’s your perspective. He clearly thought that some major corporation using his handle was offensive to him and he used said handle to blast them, I think that’s understandable. EA didn’t respond back to him according to the article, but the fans did, because…
I find the concept of paying a $200 dollars at least hourly to get a corporation to notice your legitimate complaint for something they should’ve done their due diligence on absurd, yet entirely an American explanation.
I get all that, but given the trajectory we’re going with online identities maybe it’s time we consider maybe there should be more due diligence with this stuff.
Now considering the hassle this is causing EA, there definitely should be more due diligence with this.
Finally, having worked for an EA company... HAHAHAHA,…
I mean, yeah they were racist but he was RUDE!
DOES NOT MATTER! Everyone has Personality Rights - “the right of an individual to control the commercial use of his or her name, image, likeness, or other unequivocal aspects of one’s identity.”
Except apparently they DID use his name. And honestly, the odds that the “fake” name and “fake” twitter handle correspond to the same real person seem pretty small. So small that one could argue it wasn’t coincidence.
Nobody wants your twitter handle.
How dare the government keep me healthy! Ridiculous!
I read that as the “Demi Lovato mermaid fart story” and was a little disappointed. Meh. She said it was gorgeous, just not her body. I don’t really think that makes her a bitch.
“I really appreciate someone placating my massive narcissistic ego by pedantically thanking me for stealing their game”
I’m sorry is it still 2007? Are we still pirating games and pretending it’s okay?
I don’t think that came out as it sounded in his head. “I’ll compare pirates to terrorists to defend them!”
what an absurd escalation. did you really think that analogy was cogent???????
My whole problem with this is... that somehow makes it ok? I understand what you’re saying, not everyone that would have pirated this game would have bought it. I’ll give you that. But that makes it ok for the people that wouldn’t have bought it to just take it? It’s a fucking ridiculous concept. I can’t afford to go…
Both subreddits created threads specifically to thank PM Studios for the gesture, and many posters said the devs’ attention convinced them to purchase the game.
lol this image won’t do shit to help addicts not use, even in front of kids. guess what, when you’re addicted to heroin using is not a choice. there is no long decision making process about when/where to use.
We thought about that, but you know, within a month, no one’s even going to remember what he looked like, and in 10 years, no one’s even going to know that’s who that was. So we decided it was even in his best interest. This will get him the help he needs.
FUCK this bullshit ass crap that they are trying to call “awareness.” This shit makes me seethe with anger. Everybody knows there’s a huge opiate problem in this country. Every. Body. Fucking. Knows. We had a commercial advertising a special medication for opioid users that are constipated during the motherfucking…
I have a degree in film production with an emphasis in screenwriting. Does that count?