
In all the cases I’ve read about over the years, there’s only 1 I can think of that was actually a false allegation.  I think it’s time we just take these women at their word and stop worrying about false allegations as a knee jerk reaction.

I mean if you already have a 3D printer, but you’ll never find one as quality as the pieces you see in the video for less than 60...

You say that like this isn't Square Enix, which regularly throws hundreds of millions of dollars into their AAA games on a regular basis. Like, the money Square could have saved by keeping Avengers a single-player experience would have likely been able to pay for the remaster of almost, if not all, of Square's NES,

I feel the Avengers debacle has scarred Square into embracing American game industry capitalism.

Please don’t encourage this. Slideshows are terrible.

I’m pretty sure nobody at Kotaku is using slideshows.   And no, it wouldn’t be perfect.  No way i’m re-loading the page 50 times.  

There's finally an article perfect for the slideshow function and YOU DON'T FUCKING USE IT!!!

Yeah cause you put in a chair dingus.

LOL, fantastic.

Send a poet.

I followed the directions to the letter and ended up meeting my dad.

Surely that first one is death by Sideshow Bob

or as he was known back then: Head

Judging by the top image:



Of course he was a good boy.


Moon Knight needs to be more included by Marvel. A dangerously insane, maybe undead batmanesque Golem, what’s not to love? When I was a kid I got one of those weird assortment packs of Marvel comics and it had Moon Knight #30 in it. I mean, on the cover he’s punching a werewolf with 666 written in blood in the

I knew there was some reason I loved you Mr. Fahey, now I know it's a mutual love of Chrono Cross that brings us together.