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    It is grammatically awkward, by all means, let's put an end to awkward grammar.

    That image would make a great poster if smallpox, like measles, stages a comeback tour.

    I think that's exactly the kind of thing Google Now and data mining is for.

    Apart from a (forgivable) fondness for football, we basically seem to be video game soul mates.

    Scars but only disappeared but for some reason my armor is now more matte looking and my hair is now shiny enough blind friend and foe alike.

    Radioshack has 48 packs of AA or AAA on sale for $9.99. Includes a coupon for $10 off a future $30 purchase.

    I hope the reason they're all gathering is to form Voltron.

    It would be a better world if people like that could channel their desire to day hateful things to/about people they don't really know towards harassing child molesters or towards the people doing the abusing instead of their victims.

    I knew there was some reason I loved you Mr. Fahey, now I know it's a mutual love of Chrono Cross that brings us together.

    I imagine it'll be like the game is making sweet aural love to my ears.

    "I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, and I believe to my core that most people are good people trying to do good things."

    Maybe I don't understand maths fully, but I think the gameboy is turning 25.
    I would remember if the gameboy and I were only six days different in age.