
Voted for Jill Stein so no, I won’t say that. Honestly my only regret is not voting for Harambe since Jill Stein got a sadly low amount of votes.

SJW’s are a pretty big base of liberals atm and are staunchly against voting third party, even for a female candidate thats much better then Hillary. I’ll personally be voting Jill Stein on tuesday. I can’t on good conscious vote for a moderate right politician like Hillary.

When you have to bring privilege into the argument you should automatically lose honestly. Trump’s the terrible president that won’t get stuff done. Hillary’s the war mongering president that likely will get things done. The correct choice is to vote for neither and hope when Hillary inevitably win’s she actually

Can’t wait to not vote for either candidate and cast a symbolic vote for Jill Stein instead. I don’t vote center-right, screw both candidates.

Looks like we won’t have backwards compatibility which is pretty shitty. The games are on the same SD style cards that the 3DS has right?

We don’t have a systematic race problem in america which is what most SJW’s will say we have is the issue. Obv there’s always going to be racism whether it’s someone who is racist against someone whose black, someone whose racist against someone whose white, etc. It’s not a problem that can be solved because it’s

It’s a funny emote that people spam ironically. No one actually takes racism seriously and they aren’t actually racist lmao. It’s a meme.

Not really a bad comment on his part but people will be offended anyway because people are kinda stupid.

Can’t believe anyone could actually support a libertarian. For every semi-decent the they believe thats more liberal then the typical conservative, they believe another thats way more radical and crazy. At least green party cares about issues that really matter and don’t fall into just small government all day

Lmao you mad? Do you actually legitimately consider Hillary or Trump to be real candidate? They’re both center right big business rich fat cats who don’t care about the country and don’t want power. Not sure why anyone in their right mind would vote for them.

Hillary is the center right candidate so it’s not that unrealistic.

It’s a pretty clear cut vote for Jill Stein. If you’re undecided on that you’re an idiot sure. The people that still are thinking between Hillary and Trump are most certainly dumb thats very true.

I experience absolutly no privilege in my everyday life but sure prejudge since judging people is literally all SJW’s do. We absolutly don’t live in a racist culture. You may very well be racist again white people for all I know, but there is no racism culture here bruh.

That meme is more accurate for you then me honestly if you think a costume is racism or blackface. By intent I mean just that, not ignorance at all. If you are wearing a costume and the intent is not to be racist, then it isn’t racist, regardless of what a special snowflake SJW thinks. If someone is offended, then too

You’re literally an idiot.

Shoplifting is a crime. Blackface is not. Nor is whiteface. Neither is inherently racist.

In the context of what you’re talking about, blackface, you are completely wrong. Intent is the only factor.

Sound’s like you’re the one trolling at this point.

I’m a liberal. Not voting for trump moron. In fact I literally called Trump an idiot multiple times. SJW is a term that’s generally used as an insult because of people like you who lack logic or critical thinking. This is a shitty election because you’re dealing with a far right moron like Trump or a corrupt center

That’s not a racism culture. That’s one guy who believed rumors because he’s an idiot, he might not even be racist inherently, but he’s an idiot. There’s been evidence for years now that Hillary Clinton is the one who drummed up those rumors in the first place. The Hillary Clinton started the Birther thing is not