
Hate these kinda passive aggressive, vaguely racist against white people political articles that sites like these put out. Whoever wrote this is such a huge airhead faux intelligent journalist who has no idea why people disliked Hilary in the first place, it’s hilarious actually.

The Penguin better win

The only thing that needs to be cut is the military.

Thank god I don’t listen to pop music which seems to be rampant with this kinda stuff.

It’s not a name change, it’s using the correct name. As it stands you’re not.

That’s called being an egalitarian not being a feminist. To be a feminist in this culture is to subscribe to a bunch of ridiculous retoric. There’s no reason to call yourself a feminist if you live in a 1st world country in 2016.

Who these day’s is actually pro feminism thought besides some radical SJW’s on tumblr? I feel like most people on the internet realize that feminism is unnecessary and that you can just call youself an egalitarian and feel better at the end of the day, without having to memorize unnecessary reteroic.

It’s their Job, it’s what they signed up for. It’s not forced labor and it’s not problematic. If they don’t want to do it they have every right to, but they’d be breaching contract and be fired, or have to quit themselves. Why is this even an issue?

He was annoying as a lets player, but as a dank memer he’s actually pretty great. Think he will go through with this.

She was the only decent candidate but still a far cry from Bernie. Voted for her but kinda wish I voted for Harambe at this point.

Not really.

What does being white have to do with anything? Or are you racist?

Compared to Hilary? Not at all. Keep in mind i’m not a trump supporter or a conservative. I’m a democratic socialist.

You’re really fed on the internet media fear machine lmao. I’m not selfish at all, i’m just not an ignorant SJW nor a braindead Redneck that think’s that either candidate aren’t entirely the same, cause they are.

Because it is essentially the religion of violence, and this is coming from a liberal that’s probably more left then you, if you’re an SJW.

that is 100% the reason you lost the election. That and the DNC voted for the most politically divisive and hated democrat of all time. Bernie was the only choice, sorry for all you racists and sexists that hate him since hes a straight white male though.

So glad we didn’t elect a corrupt monster yeah. Trumps a monster but at least he’s not corrupt and has been pretty clear and open. They both suck though which is why I voted Jill Stein.

No we’re not fucked. Is this the right way to deal with the problem of Islam? Of course not. We have freedom of speech and religion, and they’re free to celebrate their legitimately evil religion, just like Christians are free to celebrate their equally evil religion. Should they celebrate it? Of course not, but they

I like how it always goes to blame white people. Racist much?

Uh no because even if Bernie didn’t exist Hillary would still be a terrible candidate and an awful person, arguably worse then Trump in many ways, but about on par with him in terms of a overall disaster.