No one except SJW’s calls it institutionalized racism, which doesn’t actually exist in America. So you’re inherently wrong and should probably change.
No one except SJW’s calls it institutionalized racism, which doesn’t actually exist in America. So you’re inherently wrong and should probably change.
Nope it is not. Intent is the only thing that matters, if it is within good intentions, then no it is not racist. Much like white face with good intentions is not racist. It’s that simple. Racism is prejudice keep that in mind, it isn’t institutionalized.
Parent’s are NOT stupid for letting their white kid wear this costume. Why do you pseudo liberals have to give actual liberals that care about REAL issue such a bad name. People look at us and just call us SJW’s now because idiot’s like you get offended over literally nothing. News flash we don’t live in a racist…
It isn’t racist and you’re an idiot. And no kid who is “actually black” is going to be offended by another kid wearing a Halloween costume. Anyone that actually thinks this is racist should not be on the internet. You’re a special snowflake who clearly cannot handle it.
This is literally the dumbest issue to talk about. Seriously? It’s a Halloween costume for a character that has tattoos. It’s not intended to be offensive, and it ISN’T offensive. Anyone that considers this “brown face” is an idiot.