I’m going with the venture capitalists as they doomed a business that we don’t like this time, but the next business might be one we like.
I’m going with the venture capitalists as they doomed a business that we don’t like this time, but the next business might be one we like.
Yesterday evening, fans enjoyed seeing her in the spotlight. Some are now drawing art of Nakamura and meme-ing about how “adorable” she is and how she should be “protected at all costs.” While much of the praise she’s received seems rooted in genuine admiration, some have argued that more extreme variations on these…
Mexico has universal healthcare.
Fun fact: Nobody deserves anything.
That’s fair, since I don’t think Europeans realize how weird and dumb - not to mention unnecessary - any displacement below 3.5L sounds to most of us Americans.
We know how weird it sounds, and we feel really bad for you. Big V8s are fun.
What’s racist?
Two points here: For people supposedly raised from birth with a fear of being killed by police, you all sure act like you wanna get killed by police. Holding the phone in your hand (when you know that might get misidentified as a gun. Not likely but possible), screaming and yelling at the police. Interfering in what…
/cancels UberChopper request
Shit like that happens all the time in the USA but you dont see the videos because our media hates cops (OR videos showing cops doing nice things just makes people like you mad and isn't profitable.)
And people wonder why fansubbing still exists.
This is a pretty fucked up comment.
There is too much news content being created. Nobody in media wants to admit it, but that’s the core problem here. Oversaturation.
This is ridiculous! The Metro worker broke a rule that everyone, including Tynes, is expected to follow. Why shouldn’t she be called out on it? How is getting caught breaking a rule at work racism? Tynes needs to get her publishing deal back and all these cellphone radicals should shut up and do something useful if…
Millenial liberals (like Tynes) have made Twitter call-outs into their own official channels. When people started a campaign to get Tynes’ publisher to drop her, how do you think they did so? On Twitter.
Emily, I am more interested in the fact you cannot be bothered to proof read the work you get paid to write. Do you not take any pride of any kind in what you do?
Fine, but the woman snacking on the train was breaking the rules.
Jesus, it’s not like she was at a fancy place like the Olive Garden.
It’s Golden Corral, not Le Bernardin. She was probably dressed better than 90% of the customers.