
But hearing people suggest alternate, logical, common sense compromises and proposals has changed my mind completely.

Justice Smith’s acting was the most unrealistic part of that whole thing.

I know that the crime is pretty low and overall I’m unlikely to be in a shooting.

I’m more worried about walking across the street than ever getting shot.

The good guy with a gun caused the bad guy with a gun to shoot himself with his gun.

Guns in schools, churches, synagogues, movie theaters, bars.

Texans who voted for him, what gives?

Now im trying to figure out how I can combine all of these into one costume.

Until you are old enough to buy your own candy.

Can I get a check on that 65?

Well there is an average of 10 a year.

They are much much more likely to be hit by a car walking to class.

Can you tell me the organization who taught you all that so i can make sure i never make the mistake of ever training with them?

They decided to raise me as a boy—until I got my first period when I was in school wearing a boy’s uniform. It became evident to my parents then that I was a woman.


So you would think a pro-woman feminism getting railed would be good for the fantasy.

I just don’t think the article is clear.

if you hated the weird controls

I used to want to live in the US for a time, now I think it might be one of the worst countries on earth.

If I was him I would ask for a dollar down-raise in exchange for less responsibilities.