An obviously more effective thing.
An obviously more effective thing.
If you are in a mass shooting and attempt to be “The Good Guy with a Gun” you will be shot and killed.
Not really. For all anyone knows, the three that were stopped by a gun were the only ones were there was a “good guy with a gun” there to begin with.
The whole slippery slope of course.
a significant amount of teachers will now be carrying weapons into school
I found VR Kanojo to be really boring.
Last two or three episodes.
I thought they where kidding about the punishment of tying the kids up naked BDSM style, nope, they where serious
Made In Abyss was one of the most disappointing anime I saw all year.
If it helps the Neet/MMO aspect gets dropped off around there and it turns into a really generic romcom love triangle anime.
Then black out the windows. Or don’t have blood. Make them crash dummies. Or give the cars “Cars eyes”. Or make them all remote control.
Can they put people in the cars this time?
But my efforts align with corporate efforts.
I don’t understand the negative connotation about gun companies funding the NRA.
I donate to the NRA to fund their funding of my politicians. And for me they have been successful, so I will continue to donate.
Neat. that Andrew Sorkin guy seems like a cool fellow. It is interesting how they are headquartered in one of the most gun-restricted cities as well.
Yeah, you too young to vote non-voters will sure show them whos boss.
I highly doubt that, with how the majority of the people around him reported his actions before the shooting.
“Why don’t the characters look more Japanese?” “Remember, we lost the war.”
Which i am willing to bet the Las Vegas shooter would have passed.