
I too like to avoid poor people whenever I can.

That is a whole lot of names of people I have never heard of.

Oh I disagree, I tried both to get my wife to play and to watch.

I own this game on PS2, PS3 and probably will get it for PS4, and about once a year or so ill play it. “Maybe ill like it this time.” I tell my self.

Yep thats pretty much how it goes for me too.

Does this one have the terrible death scream like the Dash one?

Does this one have the terrible death scream like the Dash one?

I have been really enjoying the snot out of this game the last month. As long as you keep an eye on what the daily quests are than grinding has been rather smooth and calming. Something easy to do while i watch TV.

Its Fullmetal Alchemist.

ah yes, that must have been what it was.

I wished. It was as cliched as it gets.

Wonder Woman was pretty bad, and they still hyped it.

Yep I think you nailed it.

Na, but you truly should. Bring a copy of all this with you as well. They would think they hit a salt-I mean-gold mine with you.

Yep, that must be what it is.

Like a salt mine in here.

Pretty good of course. Don’t have any worries. It’s nice.

So much salt.

No. Most white guys are not like you. Plenty of ‘em are shit, for a variety of reasons. Most of them are decidedly not woke. But they are not like you.

Well as long as you know I was being sincere.

Well no worries, I will probably die of cancer eventually.