
I enjoyed the sweet Stranger than Fiction vibe this had with the omniscient narration.

With what I think were two separate mentions of the mindfuck/brainwash machine, I read that final scene with a glazed over Ward differently.

Super hearing was from another largely abandoned plot line.

This might be the very best villainy I have ever seen on serialized television.

"My one nitpick: for some of those items, it’s really “Lighter than Clyde and a Sandwich container.”"

I think that they can hit Vic and Walt just right if things keep up like this. Everyone has had that relationship with a coworker: sorta gruff friends that occasionally over share intimate life details.

I think that they can hit Vic and Walt just right if things keep up like this. Everyone has had that relationship with a coworker: sorta gruff friends that occasionally over share intimate life details.

I'm 25 and Murphy Brown might be my favorite tv show. I have no rational defense for this position.

I love that the railgun didn't jam causing him to lose in a showdown with Raylan.

I've been really pulled in by the 'Arlo losing it storyline. It's increadlibe how much compassion the writers can make you feel for him, especially given how Raylan feels abut him.

Thanks, I had no idea what that was. It that really a thing? This is the first I've seen or heard of it, tv and real life combined.

Because there is always a thread about this:

I was stuck on the couch all weekend, and just happened to re-watch the first 4 seasons. I had known beforehand that I didn't like the show as much now as I did then, but boy with the past fresh in mind, the contrast is very very stark.

That implication right after scary Raylan face with Limehouse says a great deal about the character, and actor.

And here I was thinking that two mentions was already too many visits by Freddy Foreshadowing. I caught this one, and the cut too short chat about it in Wynn's trailer when he was oiling the mechanism. When was the third mention?

I'm so glad other people think about this show the way I do.

I noticed those book too. I thought they were odd; I mean, Fringe is usually SO detail oriented that I wouldn't expect a shot to essentially linger on Olivia's coffee table books unless they were/are/will be important, but 'Rainforest' and 'Horse' looked like furniture store style fake books.

I actually teared up when Walter alluded to the fact that in this timeline, he did not have a white tulip moment.

I made an account here just to agree with you.