
I believe this piece is meant less as an endorsement of Rotten Tomatoes, and more as an invitation to mock whiny racists.

It’s very unfortunate Wendy’s things happen on live TV.

I don’t know why you Carrabas this so much.

I didn’t believe this guy was an actual NBA player and then I googled him and found out that 90% of his photos look like you just messed his order up at Subway.

I bet his face is as Red as a Lobster right now

Somebody needs to be taken Outback and shot.

I think you’re in danger of overharvesting your hobos. 

An ass like a canned ham.

Not just great. Very great. I can tell you right now, a lot of people are saying...

“If you look at a woman for too long you are raping her with your eyes.”

recognitions would have James Franco, David Simon, whatever man forced Megan Abbott to speak to the reporter, Method Man and Dominic West all thrown into jail for this if he could. There are no “microagressions” in his world.

Where can I get money for those things?   Also where is my Soros check???

“Did you know that every time you breathe the same air as a woman you are committing a hurtful microaggression?”

Most anvils sold by Acme are now made in China, but the quality is adequate for the purpose.

AVClub: Trump’s ass contains potassium benzoate.

Hey man, you just don’t get it. We’re not talking about people here with any degree of basic awareness or capability to act on their own agency, we’re talking about women. Don’t you realize that if a man- any man: a three foot tall man with no arms and legs and a calcium deficiency- dared a woman to do jumping jacks

Oh, absolutely. But I can’t feel complete without having him EXPOUND on why he’s more attuned to this than us, and why he’s a clearly far superior moral being.

I’ll have you know I use lotion for said ass, and it’s not chapped. But thanks for inquiring!

We get it, you’re a pious douche bag...

So question for you, do you make them seek out more dangerous stabbing Hobos or do you let them take the far less dangerous Singing Hobos by surprise?