
I am with you. This statement seemed like a massive stretch, an a gratuitous attempt to malign Mayweather. I also disagree with the notion that Floyd handpicked opponents. That’s a bullshit statement, and the sort of thing people think is true because they repeat it often enough.

I think Sandlot has always been just Coors in disguise. It was never indeoendantly owned and operated.

No one thinks Corona is good. No one.

Shit, I keep thinking of these. Remember this Marc Jackson?

I remember getting this from a baseball card pack when I was 8 and getting really excited, because I’d heard so many good things about “Bob Gibson.”

There were also two Alex Gonzalezes, both of whom played shortstop, as well as played contemporaneously.

There is this Frank Thomas:

In all fairness to the dude who posted that, his over-analysis is still better than anything coming from the Kings camp.

I think he looks like the unholy progeny of John Travolta and that fat kid from Bad Santa.

I think there is a contingent that interprets this as a flat circle, like McConaughey from True Detective.

Right, all he did was publicly act like a petualnt child in front of an audience of over 10 million people with very little provocation. If a black player of moderate notoriety did this, no one would care, especially Skip Bayless or Colin Cowherd.