As a migraine sufferer, this article terrified me. I have no idea how I would tell the difference between a stroke and a regular migraine.
As a migraine sufferer, this article terrified me. I have no idea how I would tell the difference between a stroke and a regular migraine.
Happened to me. I lost the ability to speak for about 10 minutes; was at my office but literally almost nobody was around, so I had nobody to alert (and for some reason, I felt quite calm?). I had no pain. Speech came back, I waited a while, then went home (reading every street sign along the way, out loud) and…
Thank you for mentioning this! I’ve suffered from chronic “complex migraines” for over 20 years, and the symptoms are absolutely similar to those of a stroke- sudden dizziness, weakness and numbness on one side, feeling extremely confused, unable to speak or to understand what words mean, loss of vision on one side,…
Yep. My first time I was slurring like a drunken teenager, had numbness in my extremities, had vision impairment as I had been staring into the sun for too long, and couldn’t dial my home phone number.