The B

He is an Obama appointee.

Not the best character but she is nice to look at.

I am guessing BRUISE doesn't have much choice in his girlfriend having other partners. I think this is a deal he made to keep her around.

He said he had quit drinking and was considering pot except that his job tested for pot. Dan suggested options where he could smoke pot that wouldn't affect his job. Dan did not tell him to do pot. He was already considering it.

The take away was that it wasn't a good idea to do that kind of sex fucked up.

No he didn't. The caller brought it up.

You didn't miss it. Even Monty was surprise.

That's just nonsense. Women are always blathering on about how men aren't creative when they initiate a conversation online. Well, I am on Bumble where only women can initiate the conversation and the all open with either "hi" or "how are you?" Most often than not it leads to nice conversation that may or may not

How about responding to him and see how it goes? Or not. Messages like these are a result of some women on OKCupid having the expectation that first messages need to be super clever. Most people don't open conversations with a stranger with something clever and usually when they try most come of as awkward.

"Batman V Superman was a bad movie, but I found it very entertaining."

Meredith is better than Devito. However, I wouldn't call his potrayal definitive. I can see someone doing better.

The people who complain still want folks to grin and bear it.