Let’s see some documentation. Problem solved.
Let’s see some documentation. Problem solved.
Maybe they didn’t get banned due to nudity. Maybe they were banned for just being scummy and trashy.
Don’t forget politicians.
I’m sure this has nothing to do with massively downvoted Biden and other liberal/progressive videos ...
No, it doesn’t.
Who cares if there’s no women there? It’s not like it’s hundreds of men. It’s literally less than ten people. Stop trying to control everyone else. Maybe look inward and start controlling yourself, instead.
Yay, more nanny state.
Just think of all the other companies where this same thing is happening, yet the blogosphere and internet memers aren’t in some kind of virtue-signalling outrage lol. You think anything you say or do matters because social media has convinced you of this, which is a lie.
Imagine if these people used their skills for something that mattered.
This shows that only the worst people get elevated to wealth/power/fame. Anyone you see in ANY high position of the aforementioned, is a bad person. They’ve done bad things, sold their soul, supported harassment or crime or worse. ALL of them. If you’re poor and struggling and a good person, you should be the…
Elon Musk is a well known con artist. Anyone who believes his promises deserves to be parted with their money.