
No one is buying the Continental, at least not in numbers to justify their existence. They built the cars you want, but no one is buying them. 

All they had to do was lift it a few inches, glue on some ugly grey plastic body cladding, suck all the expensive bits out of the interior - namely those seats - and call it the Intercontinental. Boom! Pow! Kazaam! Instant sales success. Sadly, this probably isn’t far from the truth.

calling someone a pedo as a joke is the kind of thing you say in a close circle of friends that understand your twisted humor.

wow fuck this guy.

I’m surprised that nobody’s pointing out how transparently racist it is that Elon Musk apparently thinks the only reason someone would move to Thailand would be to fuck kids.

I wouldn't drive one if it was given to me.  He's too shitty of a human for me to drive one of his great cars. Just as I wouldn't wear a MAGA hat

I don’t get it. Why do fanboys passionately defend this obvious shitbag of a human being? I could see myself owning a Tesla and still not liking this dipshit. Or is that not allowed?

Tesla really isnt all that successful. This is a company that is struggling to make cars at a decent pace, arent really selling all that well, and have numerous quality control issues. How can you say that they are successful when they have never posted anything near a profit? If it wasnt for the billions Musk has or

I so want to take every dollar and asset in my name and short this stock, but it seems anything this dipshit says has no effect on the stock. If this was Mary Barra tweeting, GM stock would be worth .07 at this point.

I’m so sick of silicone valley dick holes I could scream. Just SHUT THE FUCK UP you half witted bag of smashed assholes. The next time he tweets someone should smash his fingers with a hammer. 

Psh not with Super Hulu no-ads 4k Premium or whatever the highest tier is I’m paying $11.99 a month for. I haven’t seen an ad in months. My parents describe some new funny Geico animals to me and I have zero concept what they’re talking about. 

I really struggled with this, from the moment Bean let out a Homer-esque burp I started to cringe, and whilst there are definitely some funny moments a lot of the humour reminds me of The Simpsons, but post season 12 Simpsons which of course is all rather bleak. I hope it improves as I’m fond of many of the voice cast

About half-way through the pilot and right now my main thing is the sound design - really bad. Also, why is this 36 minutes?

The supporting voice cast is dynamite, but of the three leads, Eric Andre is the only one that works right now.

“Meh” was too low. I find it a little slow.

This is sad. I was waiting to watch the series when I find some free time, however it seems it is not worthy. What a shame, I really wanted to watch this series. 

I’m...trying to watch this now, but it all feels rather outdated. Like a 90s show that was cancelled after a season.

My guess was that with the new monetization efforts of their current active games (Wow, overwatch, hearthstone, heroes) they thought it was better to make a D4 that taps into that mindset rather than making a onetime purchase expansion for D3.

Or the laser cannons in Terms of Endearment.

First: “a recent “Kick-Ass Woman Of AMC” event”