
The move was only about a block away so I felt comfortable being a little casual with my packing. One of my choices was to tape up the drawers of my night tables rather than empty them. My boyfriend at the time (now husband) handled the tape duty. When they arrived at the destination I noticed that the tape was a

That’s really great that you did that. My dog died a couple of months ago after 12 years with me. Right before she died she was shedding a lot, and I brushed her thoroughly and had bags of fur. I wish I would have kept that. After she died I found little clumps of fur around the house and it made me so sad thinking

When I lost my pug, Mr Fusspot, I sent bags of his hair (that I had been saving for just this opportunity) to a woman I found on Etsy who spun it into yarn. Then my friend Betty crocheted a memorial to Fusspot out of the yarn. I also had two of his incisors (he lost a lot of teeth at ten) set as earrings. People

But then you’d just end up with a Brontësaurus. 

I didn’t come up with the spark of this idea, a guy at work did by saying “Night Queen” after we’d talked about the Cersei/Euron bangout, and I extrapolated it to this:

Yeah, when I started using a cane, I went for a beautiful one with a silver handle. It made me feel rakish and like someone with a story to tell.

Now playing

... but wasn’t taken seriously by doctors.

I love her. And I am amazed by the number of people with all these odd-ball growths that are coming out of the woodwork to find salvation at her hands.
The pops, the squeezes, the slicing off of the nose growths -- all give me great satisfaction in this age of great anxiety. Now if she could just squeeze that big blob

Children are insanely expensive. My partner and I make solidly middle-class money and I have no idea how I’d raise a child on that. My IUD cost me nothing and has saved me so, so much cash.

and without access to safe abortions, more women will become homeless when their unwanted babies are born. and conservatives see this as a win. 

This could be straight out of The Shining, where all the hedge animals start stalking Danny when he isn’t looking!

Follow up: just now, thinking about this story, I went to look at the registry of deeds for the town I grew up in. They’ve got everything digitized now, so I was able to look up the closing paperwork for the house. There, my parents both signed, as did a notary, but the witness section?

Senior year of high school-in the eighties. My parents had moved our family to this godforsaken desert city from the Midwest the middle of my junior year. I was a fish out of water; often quite literally. Left my boyfriend in the Midwest; my first true love. We spent a few months with feverish phone calls, long love

My story is more curious & unsettling than it is truly frightening.

But we also make it difficult for low income women to obtain birth control so that they don’t have unintended pregnancies.  And TRAP laws make it difficult to end unwanted pregnancies.  So this is what happens.  Women who are not in any position to care for babies end up having pregnancies forced on them and then we

Oh my god.

I just feel sorry for everyone. I am lucky to have been to jail for a few minor things (breaking apartment lease, not going to court = court of contempt and they WILL issue warrant for your 18-year-old broke ass!) and to have met women who have lost babies to drugs. I no longer have any anger or judgment, it’s all

For many, it's not just the dry earwax gene. A large segment of the population can sweat profusely during activity and not end up with BO. It's the "nervous sweat" that activate the more "problematic" sweat glands on a lot of people.