
Those donations could very well be helping children with special needs. Best Buddies operates programs at tons of private schools and universities.

Why are private or those other two schools not a good cause?

Your anecdote of experiencing racism in a foreign country as a visitor is irrelevant.

Casta, a system that hasn’t existed in generations, has nothing to do with self-identification. It was a means of trying to label populations based on their parent’s race, and subsequently tie that socio-economic status. It is by that very fact a diminishing discriminator. The gene pools have all been pissed in at

Because many (not all) Latinos don’t like being labeled by their race. We don’t self-identify in that manner. We are Latinos. We can further be subdivided, but again it’s by region and culture. For example for me I’m a born and raised Costeño (the Atlantic coast of Colombia). Costeño culture was heavily defined by

A few notes.

Fuck that! Batten down the hatches. Damage control conditions until they fix that BS.

What many don’t realize is that the Battleship also died because it couldn’t handle a modern torpedo. The torpedoes Battleships were designed to withstand actually struck the hole with the intent of blowing a hole in. To counter that they made bigger and bigger “torpedo belts” (armor around the hull. As soon as the

lol. Your paltry attempts at insults are predictably unintelligent. Try harder, butkus.

“I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about”

Speaking of smart kids. If you’re going to pilfer one of the top comments to an article, at least give credit to person that came up with the analogy.

The media will always focus on an elite-player’s lifestyle. So would rather read/see stories about TB12's favorite avocado ice cream recipe, Julian Edleman’s latest fashion advice, or Gronk asking Spicer if he needs a hand with his briefing to the media? They’re entertainers, might as well have them be entertaining

It would be meaningless if everyone was doing it, and they didn’t do it at the end of the season. Beating GS at home when no one was beating GS at home is a big win, and shows they can hang with the high caliber teams. No was talking about post-season. You mentioned an inflated record. So I was commenting that they’ve

Taking a candid picture of POTUS’ kid when you’re on WH property as press seems like a good way to make sure you’re never welcomed back. Also, get the kid some DC United gear. What an embarrassment.

Game 2, absolutely. But IT looked phenomenal in Game 1. Maybe it finally hit him all at once. Apparently he played Game 2 and immediately hopped a plane to his sister’s funeral. I can’t imagine how someone could compartmentalize that.

It also paved the way for Boston’s draft pick.

Aren’t the Celtics one of the only teams to beat both GS and the Cavs?

One of these days someone’s going to respond by taking their pants off.

“This means that the data is inherently flawed.”

The fact that the digital speedometer on the video stops at 240 kph, but number read out keeps climbing bothers me a lot more than it should.