
“Props to Colleen for shutting her down without killing her.”

It’s important to note that not all pressings are created equal. If you’re looking to score some of these check out discogs.com to find out whether the pressing your considering is a dud or not. Dark Side of the Moon and Kind of Blue are two examples that have tons of different pressings made (338 and 150 versions

It’s important to note that not all pressings are created equal. If you’re looking to score some of these check out

My thoughts exactly. Make him wear a bright jumpsuit that reads his crime on the back and front. He can spend the next 6 months of Saturdays keeping those things spotless.

You saw the same ship. It’s stationed out of Naval Base Pear harbor.

“You only need about 1% ‘success’ rate in hitting targets to effectively wipe out healthy living conditions for any nation.”

I’ve got this tool in the bag on my bike. I’ve never run into a mid-ride repair/adjustment that it couldn’t handle.

I’ve got this tool in the bag on my bike. I’ve never run into a mid-ride repair/adjustment that it couldn’t handle.

Dude’s an obvious stain on earth’s underpants.

“Because I mean shit, if you’re paying like a grand a month in insurance premiums I can assure you your taxes wouldn’t be that high.”

You’re missing how this works. It’s seasonal in that it’s only 6 months in each place. They then ship them to the other location for the second season. Same companies getting two seasons out of the year. They’re probably wrapping up the Salinas season right now. Then it’s off the Yuma to start the second one.

“I mean, owning a bunch of human beings that have to be housed and fed, even if you do so in a very poor manner, just isn’t as efficient as having a tractor and various other farming implements.”

“Wouldnt the burden of proof be on the government that a certain anomaly was a strong indicator of illegal activity?”

“The weight test requires driving in a specific and unusual way to enable the test to be performed.”

“That measure implies they are checked at actual toll booths, ie, taking advantages of a slower speed for other reasons rather than slowing the person down solely for the check. Yes?”

The better comparison would be to drunk driving checkpoints, which I also consider to be a violation of rights.

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated*” 

Doesn’t this fall under the same legal protection as sobriety checkpoints?

“essentially testing the weight load of every single vehicle travelling down the interstate with no warrant.”

I have a late model Mini Server model (2010). It’s been a phenomenal home theater unit for me. I resisted upgrading the OS for the longest time, then about 18 months ago I caved and gave it a shot. Performance (speed specifically) has slowly degraded ever since.

“Lockheed Martin needs to adapt the much improved Saudi version of the LCS”

This is basically the basis for my theory that they can beat any other shipbuilder in this bid.