
Yes and no. Do the engines have theoretical expiration dates? Yes, but we’ve proven time and time again that they work just fine well past that date (even when showing visual degradation of the propellant itself). The problem is that we have a lot of older models in the arsenal that need to go because they’re not as

SU-22's are about $11 million a piece. At least two are completely destroyed. It’s certainly not an economic form of war, but this wasn’t “thousands of dollars worth of damage”. There’s also the message that’s being sent. Prior to this the US was unwilling to launch any attacks against Assad. The precedence now is

From what I’ve read, despite the considerable leap in capability, this is truly only an iterative step. It uses highly optimized versions of the XBoxOne’s processors.

I was thinking the same thing. This guy hates Trump, but might vote GOP. It’s not that uncommon (issues can be supported on either side of the aisle), just a bit ironic considering it was posted by OccupyDemocrats.

“lack of a headphone jack”

“lack of a headphone jack”

“We own a minivan now. There’s a TV that folds down from the ceiling. If we can’t road-trip there, it may as well not exist.”

It’s FAA regulation that a child must be seated in their own seat beginning at age 2. This was decided for safety reasons. The age was actually a compromise as originally they claimed that ALL children regardless of age should be in their own seat (think carseat). Your child was not safe in your wife’s arms. Don’t be

Actually, it’s FAA regulation.

Child #2

Hypothetically, if that sociopath didn’t try and hit the motorcycle; Wouldn’t the motorcycle rider be an asshole? The two aren’t mutually exclusive.

I’ll never understand how guys can keep their trousers around their ankles. Gotta take those shackles off!

I believe the safe word = *snoring would apply here.

You’re probably not compatible, but perhaps your stigma of “sadistic/rapey AF” doesn’t help either. There’s another person out there who seeks the exact same kink that your casual hookup is looking for. Ostracizing them doesn’t help. The world of kink runs much deeper than this.

“China/Russia/UK seem to be doing just fine with far fewer than what we got.”

You don’t seem to be familiar with term known as “Operation Availability”. There will never be a point when we can operate 10 carriers simultaneously. We wish we could have 5 carriers out simultaneously. Mid-life overhauls take years. Post-deployment availabilities take at least a year. We managed to get 6 carriers

She’s an icebreaker in researcher’s clothing. I’ve heard many within the USCG acquisition HQ just wish for a fully realized version of her in the next iteration.

Props on icebreakers serve two purposes. One is for thrust and the other is to “chew” ice as it gets broken. This is what makes the “lane” for supply ships to travel in. The bow breaks it into giant chunks, and the props go blender mode on those chunks. VPP systems don’t handle that sort of a beating well. Regardless

You can’t put enough backpressure on those engines to generate the pressures necessary to make a blower. You’d need effectively need another turbine engine to generate the pressures you’re talking about. Snow loads are quite heavy.

You’re correct they would. The Healy, largely considered to be a superior designed icebreaker, uses fixed pitch props and she’s been holding up great. The design studies that have been going on are supposed to flush out a lot of these details (or at least compare the options). Hopefully the design also satisfies the,

Reduced requirements. Russia, China, and the UK don’t have legislatively required defense pacts with over 60 nations that represent 75% world’s economy.