
I bought this stone a bout a year ago, and highly recommend it. One word of caution though. Watch out for cheese or sauce staining. Once it hits, it’ll be there forever.

I bought this stone a bout a year ago, and highly recommend it. One word of caution though. Watch out for cheese or

I have this same stone, and it’s huge. So we just leave it in there as well covered with aluminum foil to keep it clean. It also has the added benefit of helping the oven maintain temp better over longer cooking times.

I have this same stone, and it’s huge. So we just leave it in there as well covered with aluminum foil to keep it

“BTW, commercial pizza ovens heat from the top down. Sometimes the crust is undercooked, if there are too many toppings if the oven door is left open for too long and the stone “floor” is allowed to cool.”

“BTW, commercial pizza ovens heat from the top down. Sometimes the crust is undercooked, if there are too many

“There goes my gas bill. Pass.”

“There goes my gas bill. Pass.”

It makes me think a bit of the Bryan Stork trade that fell through recently from the Pats to the Skins. He passed the Pat’s physical, and the skins agreed to the trade, but ultimately was sent back to NE because he failed the Skin’s physical. It sounds like there’s no set standard for physicals (save for concussion

Taylor has a clause in his contract that guarantees him his full $27.5 million base salary in 2017 if the Bills release him, “due to a professional football injury suffered while performing his services under this Contract [and] Player is unable, in the sole judgment of Club’s physicians, to perform his playing

“But that’s really an old marketing trick/logic fallacy, I forget the name of, where you intentionally create a comparison against an unfavorable option that no one would choose, to make your option seem much more appealing.”

“No maintenance either, though that shouldn’t be an issue for a new Cadillac - routine maintenance is free for 3-ish years still?”

“The usual practice has been to allow families with school-aged children to complete the current term before moving back.”

“Buying a government office isn’t just limited to ambassadorships anymore.”

“These kinds of items create the most profit anyway.”

Have you ever been to the Staples Center Period? Attended an MLS game (or any event at StubHub Stadium for that matter)? Been to a Regal cinemas? Did you watch Michael Jackson’s This Is It (you really should if you haven’t. It’s awesome.). How about the movie ‘Holes’, ‘Ray’ or any of the Chronicles of Narnia? And

To be fair, Anschutz’ empire is so incredibly massive that you can’t realistically expect a “socially-compassionate” person to avoid his businesses.

He’s absolutely taking him seriously. So are the countless people that’ve been shouting this within the beltway for over a decade. The Triad is at serious risk of being rendered useless against peer states. It needs to be updated, and we need to make sure those updates include the requirements to beat the counter-ICBM

“That’s quite a leap of interpretation”


The Trident D5 is the most up to date, and thankfully the largest, portion of the triad. Unfortunately, it’s a response weapon, not a first strike. Now let’s looks at the other two thirds:

“Do not blame people for taking him at his word just because he’s too stupid to state an idea clearly.”

You’re probably right. Your argument’s very convincing.

You seem to be a bit lost on the subject. Allow me to help you out here. The Triad is a deterrent. If it’s ability to deliver is lost because an adversary has come up with a means of rendering it ineffective (like Russia just tested last Friday), is it still a deterrent to those adversaries? No, of course not. That’s