
This looks pretty good! Between this and Type-0, I think there is still a reason to hang on to your PSP.

I remember this game! I also remember being insanely weirded out and frustrated, and not making it very far at all.

Seriously, it seems like a publicity stunt. They don't seem to like each other very much, and there was ALWAYS an item in those gossip mags about Justin cheating on her and stuff. Why would they get married now? Justin's image is thriving on his playboy/heartthrob status (he's had a really good run, hasn't he....)

Coke mom has been around for a loooooooong time. Way before Julie Bowen was the household name she is now, so it's definitely not her. She's not recent. I think Coke mom started even before Starter wife? Anyway, that was a tiny mini-series on a cable show, and she's just now started her next venture, whereas she

I think Megaman needs waaay too much precision to use touchscreen controls.

Is it wrong that I would put a small sum of money on predicting that Justin and Jessica never actually get married?

Angie Harmon has had a much more consistant career (two shows, Women's Murder Club and Rizzoli and Isles) which star her as the lead, whereas Messing did a handful of regrettable movies. That's why I'm more inclined to believe it is her. The latest BI I found referenced coke-mom doing interviews that her handlers

There has been a fairly long recurring blind item, uh, person, who is referred to as coke mom. She hasn't come up in awhile, but from what I remember, basically, this "coke mom" does a lot of coke and barely functions throughout the day except in a coke-induced haze, and she also has children. On the sites where you

Like they say, you can't un-explode the dynamite.

I dunno, she profited pretty heavily with that tape. I was under the impression that she has ownership of the video, but wikipedia says that this is not the case. Hmm, I'll have to look into that more.

Is this because Debra Messing is coke mom and it finally caught up to her marriage??? (Long time BI followers will know what I'm talking about, I think....)

It probably is for a couple who double beards, if the multitude of blind items are to be believed.

I dislike the entire Smith family. I used to like Will, but due to the fact that he is the one who is seemingly forcing his children on us, and then telling us that they get movie roles and songs due to their "talent," he is on my bad list as well. Yes, I'm sure you did audition thousands of children for both Karate

Is there a carrier that doesn't suck cojones?

Whatever we're just going to have to agree to disagree on this one. I think what he is doing is pretty admirable. I went to his website to and it says nothing about how being manly is some sort of accomplishment. I think more people should be trying to help poor kids in any way they can. Again, if you can show me

...Because you saw a documentary about it. There is NO evidence whatsoever that this camp is anywhere near what you have described.

I don't know, you're awfully judgmental for a person who I am pretty sure has never gone to this camp. Have you attended and decided that it is terrible? Or are you guessing? I for one will not condemn someone who gives their time and money to support disadvantaged boys AND girls. If you have used your money and

But... there's a girl's retreat too...

Uh.... Okay, I am totally not with you there. Single mothers are hardworking and awesome, but a lot of boys want a strong male role model, and a lot of disadvantaged youth turn to gangs and such to get it. The girls program has a similar mentoring weekend and a scholarship, though granted it is smaller. It's a

JUSTIN BIEBER didnt ruin ne thng!!! Ur al jUz JEALOZ! h8er u wis u wer az cool az JUSTIN STEMPUNK iz stoOpid ne way uR all juz nErDz who needz A lyFe! OMG JUSTIN WIL MARY MEEEE AFRER HE DUMPS THAT SLUTTTTTTTT HEZ DaTING shez juz keePin him warm 4 mE!